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[英]Nested for loop for evaluating surrounding cells of matrix in R

I have a 7x7 matrix: 我有一个7x7矩阵:


With certain elements: 有某些要素:


I am generating random elements and want to test if they add up to the specified values 我正在生成随机元素,并想测试它们是否加起来指定的值

I have written the following code: 我写了以下代码:


Now i am trying to make it more efficient with a nested for loop: 现在我试图通过嵌套for循环使其更有效:

for (G in O)
for (H in O)

The problem is that the vector element will be overwritten and it does not make any sense to add another for loop. 问题是向量元素将被覆盖,并且添加另一个for循环没有任何意义。 I also have problem to find a way to rerun the simulation if one false is found. 如果发现一个错误,我也有问题找到重新运行模拟的方法。

Let's start first by answering the following question: 让我们首先回答以下问题:

How do you compute the sum of every surrounding cell for each cell in a matrix? 如何计算矩阵中每个单元格的每个周围单元格的总和?

This is actually not trivial as far as I can tell (curious to see if anyone else comes up with something cool). 据我所知,这实际上并非微不足道(好奇地看看是否有其他人想出了一些很酷的东西)。 Here is a potential solution, though not even close to being succinct. 这是一个潜在的解决方案,尽管不是很简洁。 Let's start by seeing the results of the function. 让我们从看到函数的结果开始。 Here we will create matrices of only 1 so we can check that the results make sense (corners should add to 3 since there are only three contiguous cells, insides to 8, etc.): 这里我们将创建只有1的矩阵,因此我们可以检查结果是否有意义(角应该加到3,因为只有三个连续的单元格,内部为8,等等):

> compute_neighb_sum(matrix(1, nrow=3, ncol=3))
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    3    5    3
[2,]    5    8    5
[3,]    3    5    3
> compute_neighb_sum(matrix(1, nrow=3, ncol=5))
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,]    3    5    5    5    3
[2,]    5    8    8    8    5
[3,]    3    5    5    5    3
> compute_neighb_sum(matrix(1, nrow=7, ncol=7))
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
[1,]    3    5    5    5    5    5    3
[2,]    5    8    8    8    8    8    5
[3,]    5    8    8    8    8    8    5
[4,]    5    8    8    8    8    8    5
[5,]    5    8    8    8    8    8    5
[6,]    5    8    8    8    8    8    5
[7,]    3    5    5    5    5    5    3

This works! 这有效!

Now, let's answer your actual question : 现在,让我们回答您的实际问题

compute_neighb_sum(mx) == mx

and this should return TRUE for all cells that are equal to the sum of their surroundings. 对于所有等于周围环境总和的单元格,这应该返回TRUE Lets confirm: 让我们确认:

mx <- matrix(1, nrow=7, ncol=7)
mx[cbind(c(3, 6), c(3, 6))] <- 8   # make two interior cells equal two 8, which will be equal to sum of surroundings
which(compute_neighb_sum(mx) == mx, arr.ind=T) # you should look at `mx` to see what's going on

Sure enough, we get back the coordinates that we expect: 果然,我们回到了我们期望的坐标:

     row col
[1,]   3   3
[2,]   6   6

Now, here is the function: 现在,这是功能:

compute_neighb_sum <- function(mx) {
  mx.ind <- cbind(        # create a 2 wide matrix of all possible indices in input
    rep(seq.int(nrow(mx)), ncol(mx)), 
    rep(seq.int(ncol(mx)), each=nrow(mx))
  sum_neighb_each <- function(x) {
    near.ind <- cbind(         # for each x, y coord, create an index of all surrounding values
      rep(x[[1]] + -1:1, 3),
      rep(x[[2]] + -1:1, each=3)
    near.ind.val <- near.ind[  # eliminate out of bound values, or the actual x,y coord itself
        near.ind[, 1] < 1 | near.ind[, 1] > nrow(mx)  |
        near.ind[, 2] < 1 | near.ind[, 2] > ncol(mx)  |
        (near.ind[, 1] == x[[1]] & near.ind[, 2] == x[[2]])
    sum(mx[near.ind.val])      # Now sum the surrounding cell values
  `dim<-`(                     # this is just to return in same matrix format as input
      split(mx.ind, row(mx.ind)),   # For each x, y coordinate in input mx
      sum_neighb_each               # compute the neighbor sum
    c(nrow(mx), ncol(mx))      # dimensions of input

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