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[英]Containing a draggable div to parent

I am working with jquery ui draggable library. 我正在使用jQuery ui可拖动库。 On a button on click I am able to create and append text to a new div. 在单击的按钮上,我能够创建文本并将其附加到新的div。 But I am running into two problems: the created new divs do not stay contained to the parent div. 但是我遇到了两个问题:创建的新div不会包含在父div中。 In other words How can I keep the draggable divs inside parent div container ? 换句话说,如何将可拖动的div保留在父div container Second I have set a z-index in order to be able to overlap one div in top of another. 其次,我设置了一个z-index ,以便能够将一个div与另一个div重叠。 Currently the latest created div stays on top. 当前,最新创建的div位于最上方。 How can a make divs overlappable not depending on the element creation order? 不取决于元素创建顺序,make div如何可重叠? JSFIDDLE 的jsfiddle

Jquery jQuery的

var z = 1; //value to make div overlappable

$('#addText').click(function (e) {
    /** Make div draggable **/
    $('<div />', {
        class: 'ui-widget-content',
        appendTo: '.container',
        draggable: {
            containment: 'parent',
            start: function( event, ui ) {
                $(this).css('z-index', ++z);


<div class="container">
<div data-bind="foreach:items" class="fix_backround">
    <div href="#" class="item" data-bind="draggable:true,droppable:true">
        <span data-bind="click:$parent.remove">[x]</span><br/><br/>
        <center><span class="text" data-bind="text:$data"></span><input class="edit_text"/></center>

For your first problem, use position and overflow properties for your .container element: 对于第一个问题,请对.container元素使用positionoverflow属性:

.container {
    position: relative;
    overflow: auto;

jsFiddle Demo . jsFiddle演示

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