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Handlebars` 模板占位符的默认值

[英]Default value for a Handlebars` template placeholder

Can I specify a default value for a Handlebars` template placeholder?我可以为 Handlebars` 模板占位符指定默认值吗?

<script type="x-handlebars-template" id="menu-edit-form-tpl">
    <form method="{{method}}" action="{{action}}" class="menu-edit-form">

Can I specify default values for {{method}} and {{action}} and skip them in the object that is passed to the compiled template?我可以为 {{method}} 和 {{action}} 指定默认值并在传递给编译模板的对象中跳过它们吗?

Handlebars has no "default values".把手没有“默认值”。
You should use {{#if}} statement to check property is set.您应该使用{{#if}}语句来检查属性是否设置。

<script type="x-handlebars-template" id="menu-edit-form-tpl">
    <form method="{{#if method}}{{method}}{{else}}POST{{/if}}" action="{{#if action}}{{action}}{{else}}/{{/if}}" class="menu-edit-form">

Or if you want a bit cleaner syntax, use the simple helper:或者,如果您想要更简洁的语法,请使用简单的帮助程序:

Handlebars.registerHelper('safeVal', function (value, safeValue) {
    var out = value || safeValue;
    return new Handlebars.SafeString(out);

which allows you to write like this:它允许你这样写:

<script type="x-handlebars-template" id="menu-edit-form-tpl">
    <form method="{{safeVal method 'POST'}}" action="{{safeVal action '/'}}" class="menu-edit-form">

Here is my simple solution这是我的简单解决方案

first we create a very basic helper called 'choose'首先,我们创建一个非常基本的帮助程序,称为“选择”

    Handlebars.registerHelper('choose', function (a, b) {return a ? a : b;});

then we use it in the template :)然后我们在模板中使用它:)

{{choose valueFromData 'default-value-in-template'}}

or of course we can do或者我们当然可以

    {{choose valueFromData defaultValueFromData}}

So in your case:所以在你的情况下:

<form method="{{choose method 'get'}}" action="{{choose action 'action.php'}}" class="menu-edit-form">

Hope it helps someone else since this is from 2014 :)希望它可以帮助其他人,因为这是 2014 年的:)

This question and its accepted answer are quite old and a lot of new features and functionality have been added to handlebars since they were written.这个问题及其被接受的答案已经很老了,并且自编写以来,许多新特性和功能已添加到车把中。

I managed to get the functionality of default values by using partial blocks which were released in v4.0.0 - so your template would end up looking like this:我设法通过使用 v4.0.0 中发布的部分块来获得默认值的功能 - 所以你的模板最终看起来像这样:

<script type="x-handlebars-template" id="menu-edit-form-tpl">
    <form method="{{#> method}}get{{/method}}" action="{{#> action}}index.php{{/action}}" class="menu-edit-form">

Then it's just a case of passing in your method and action as partials by doing something like this:那么这只是通过执行以下action将您的methodaction作为部分传递的情况:

var source = $('#menu-edit-form-tpl').html(),
    template = Handlebars.compile(source),
    html = template({}, {
        partials: {
            action: 'contact-form.php'

In the resulting html the method will default to get and the action will be contact-form.php .在生成的 html 中,该方法将默认为get并且操作将是contact-form.php Here's a working demo:这是一个工作演示:

 var source = $('#menu-edit-form-tpl').html(), template = Handlebars.compile(source), html = template({}, { partials: { action: 'contact-form.php' } }); // Code below here only to show output. document.write('<code>' + $("<div/>").text(html).html() + '</code>');
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/handlebars.js/4.0.5/handlebars.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="x-handlebars-template" id="menu-edit-form-tpl"> <form method="{{#> method}}get{{/method}}" action="{{#> action}}index.php{{/action}}" class="menu-edit-form"> ... </form> </script>

You can register a helperMissing helper which will get called whenever a value is defined in your template, but not in your context (useful if you don't want missing values to fail silently):您可以注册一个helperMissing助手,只要在您的模板中定义了一个值,它就会被调用,但不会在您的上下文中被调用(如果您不希望缺失值静默失败,则很有用):

Handlebars.registerHelper("helperMissing", function(context, options) {
    console.error("Template defines {{" + context.name + "}}, but not provided in context");
    return "{{" + context.name + "}}";

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