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[英]PDO - Display Rows from Select statement

I have been struggling for a while to get the following code to run, it isnt returning anything: 我一直在努力运行以下代码,但并没有返回任何内容:

try {
  $DBH = new PDO("mysql:host=$dbHost;dbname=$dbDatabase", $dbUser, $dbPass);
  $STH = $DBH->prepare('SELECT * FROM `component`');
  # setting the fetch mode

  while($row = $STH->fetchAll()) {
    echo $row['cid'] . "\n";
    echo $row['cdesc'] . "\n";
    echo $row['cinfo'] . "\n";
catch(PDOException $e) {
  echo "I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't do that.";
  echo $e->getMessage();

Any assistance would be appreciated. 任何援助将不胜感激。 Rgds, Stew 炖菜

fetchAll returns all the rows, if you want to iterate over the results you can use fetch : fetchAll返回所有行,如果要遍历结果,可以使用fetch

while($row = $STH->fetch())

Or if you want to stick with fetchAll() : 或者,如果您想坚持使用fetchAll()

$rows = $STH->fetchAll();
foreach($row in $rows){

As bitWorking pointed out you are also missing the call to execute : 正如bitWorking指出的那样,您还缺少execute的调用:

$STH = $DBH->prepare('SELECT * FROM `component`');
# setting the fetch mode

You missed the execute method. 您错过了execute方法。 Also wrong usage of fetchAll. 也错误地使用了fetchAll。

See Example #1 Fetch all remaining rows in a result set 请参阅示例#1提取结果集中的所有剩余行

Another example with fetchMode: 另一个使用fetchMode的示例:

$STH = $DBH->prepare('SELECT * FROM `component`');

// since PDOStatement implements Traversable you can directly iterate
foreach ($STH as $row) {
    echo $row['cid'] . "\n";

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