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[英]What framework introduced c# version 1.2

I've got a copy of the Word document "C# Language Specification Version 1.2" and was wondering in which framework this was introduced. 我有一份Word文档“C#语言规范版本1.2”的副本,并想知道在哪个框架中引入了它。 I can't remember there is something like .NET Framework 1.2 我不记得有像.NET Framework 1.2这样的东西

C# 1.2 was introduced in .NET v1.1. C#1.2是在.NET v1.1中引入的。 I have very little idea why, to be honest, and I've never seen a C# 1.1 specification. 我很清楚为什么,说实话,我从未见过C#1.1规范。 It's possible that it had something to do with an ECMA spec revision, although that has somewhat separate version numbers anyway. 它可能与ECMA规范版本有关,尽管它有一些单独的版本号。

There weren't many changes in 1.2 compared with 1.0. 与1.0相比,1.2中没有太多变化。 One important one was that as of v1.2 foreach calls Dispose on the iterator at the end in a finally block, if the iterator implements IDisposable . 一个重要的是,从v1.2开始,如果迭代器实现了IDisposable ,则foreach在finally块中调用最终迭代器上的Dispose

See also "What are the correct version numbers for C#?" 另请参阅“C#的正确版本号是什么?”

它是在.net 1.1我不知道为什么他们称之为1.2

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