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[英]How do I render plain object as JSON, XML in Grails?

I have a controller ( RestfulController ) code similar to the following: 我有一个类似于以下内容的控制器( RestfulController )代码:

def doSomethingAwesome() {
    Domain domainObject = prepareDomainObject()
    //do something on the domain object
    Model model = new Model(name: domainObject.name, description: domainObject.description)
    respond model

As can be seen, I'm trying to respond with data wrapped inside a Model object. 可以看出,我试图用包装在Model对象中的数据进行响应。 However, Model class is not a domain class; 但是, Model类不是域类;它不是域类。 it's just a plain Groovy class. 这只是一个普通的Groovy类。 When I try to test this code in isolation, I get it to pass, but when I test it with all the other tests, I get GroovyCastException saying the object cannot be cast to JSON. 当我尝试GroovyCastException测试此代码时,我会通过它,但是当我与所有其他测试一起对其进行测试时,我得到了GroovyCastException该对象无法转换为JSON。

Some of the articles that came up of my searches suggest I put the model object inside a map then have that map get rendered. 我搜索中出现的一些文章建议我将模型对象放在地图中,然后渲染该地图。 Something like: 就像是:

render ['model': model] as JSON

However, this isn't how I'd like the response message to be. 但是,这不是我想要的响应消息。 In addition, the XML message would look very different. 此外,XML消息看起来会非常不同。

The Grails 2.4.3 demo project at https://github.com/jeffbrown/pogorespond demonstrates passing a POGO (not a domain class) to the respond method. 在Grails的2.4.3演示项目https://github.com/jeffbrown/pogorespond演示传递POGO(不是域类)的respond方法。 https://github.com/jeffbrown/pogorespond/blob/1646c64fe2b37856fc87b64ae1cf5a6c4fd44cb1/grails-app/controllers/demo/DemoController.groovy contains the following: https://github.com/jeffbrown/pogorespond/blob/1646c64fe2b37856fc87b64ae1cf5a6c4fd44cb1/grails-app/controllers/demo/DemoController.groovy包含以下内容:

package demo

class DemoController {

    static responseFormats = ['json']

    def index() {
        def m = new Model(name: 'Some Name', description: 'Some Description')
        respond m

class Model {
    String name
    String description

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