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[英]How can I tell Vim to close only a specific level of folds in a file?

For example, how can I tell Vim to only close all level 2 folds in a file, leaving other levels open? 例如,如何告诉Vim仅关闭文件中的所有2级折叠,而使其他级保持打开状态?

Edit: Let's say I have 3 levels of folds in my file. 编辑:假设我的文件中有3个折叠级别。 1, 2, and 3. I only want to close level 2 folds, leaving levels 1 and 3 open. 1、2和3。我只想关闭2折,而1和3则保持打开状态。

You can also set 'foldlevel' via the [count] on zM : 2zM ; 您还可以通过zM上的[count]设置'foldlevel'2zM this is shorter than @timrau's answer. 这比@timrau的答案短。


:set foldlevel=2
function! FoldToTheLevel(TheLevel)    
    "set mark "f" at current position                   
    execute "normal! mf"
    "close all the folder recursively
    execute "normal! ggVGzC" 

    "open all the folder which have smaller level 
    let h=0  
    while h<a:TheLevel              
        execute "normal! ggVGzo"  
        let h+=1                                                                     

    "open all the folder which have larger level           
    folddoclosed execute "normal! VzOzc" 
    "jump back and show in the middle
    execute "normal! `fzz"

command! -nargs=1 F call FoldToTheLevel(<f-args>)    

add this to .vimrc 将此添加到.vimrc


:F num :F num

to close the folder which the level is {num} 关闭级别为{num}的文件夹

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