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[英]Adding authentication info in Rails proxy middleware

I am using the rack-proxy gem in Rails to proxy requests to an external server. 我在Rails中使用rack-proxy gem将请求代理到外部服务器。 Thing is, the external endpoint requires authentication. 事实是,外部端点需要身份验证。 How do I provide that information from the middleware? 如何从中间件提供该信息?

Here's what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止的内容:

require 'rack/proxy'

class MyProxy < Rack::Proxy
  MY_REQUEST = %r{^/path/(.*)}

  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)
    if m = MY_REQUEST.match(env['PATH_INFO'])
      env['PATH_INFO'] = "https://otherserver.org/#{m[1]}"
      env['HTTP_HOST'] = "otherserver.org"
      #the otherserver.org endpoint requires authentication
      super env

Depends on what kind of authentication the other server is using. 取决于另一台服务器正在使用哪种身份验证。 If its just plain HTTP Authentication you can do something like: 如果只是普通的HTTP身份验证,则可以执行以下操作:

env['Authentication'] = 'Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=='

Where the value part follows the spec at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication#cite_ref-8 值部分遵循规范的位置: http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication#cite_ref-8

Following the Rack spec here gave me good pointers - http://rubydoc.info/github/rack/rack/master/file/SPEC 遵循Rack规范,这里给了我很好的指导-http: //rubydoc.info/github/rack/rack/master/file/SPEC

Had to do: 不得不做:

env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Basic <base64 username:password>'

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