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[英]UPSTART script non root not working

I'm trying to run a nodejs application using upstart as a non root user. 我正在尝试以非root用户身份使用upstart运行nodejs应用程序。
But somehow parts of the script will not run : for instance: 但是脚本的某些部分将无法运行:例如:

  1. if I run it like a root user(below example) NODE_ENV never gets called/set 如果我像root用户一样运行它(在下面的示例中)NODE_ENV永远不会被调用/设置
  2. the only way to called is with "sudo initctl stop pdcapp" 唯一的调用方法是"sudo initctl stop pdcapp"
  3. sudo nameofApp start|stop would not work sudo nameofApp start|stop不起作用
  4. When called sudo initctl stop nameofApp the pre-stop script will not echo to the log file 当调用sudo initctl stop nameofAppsudo initctl stop nameofApp前脚本不会回显到日志文件
  5. if I try to runit like a non root user it would not even start 如果我尝试像非root用户一样运行它,它甚至不会启动

isn't a more cleaner easier way of doing this (systemd) I've looked a various tutorials around and apparently this is how they've doneit. 这不是一种更清洁,更轻松的方式(系统化),我看过各种教程,显然这就是他们的方法。 so what am I missing here? 所以我在这里想念什么?

This is the .conf file under /etc/init/ 这是/ etc / init /下的.conf文件

env FULL_PATH="/srv/pd/sept011100/dev"

env NODE_PATH="/usr/local/nodeJS/bin/node"
env NODE_ENV=production

start on filesystem or runlevel [2345]
stop on [!2345]

    export NODE_ENV #this variable is never set
    echo $$ > /var/run/PD.pid
    cd $FULL_PATH

    # the command below will not work  
    #exec sudo -u nginx "$NODE_PATH server.js >> /var/log/PD/pdapp.log 2>&1" 
    exec $NODE_PATH server.js >> /var/log/PD/pdapp.log 2>&1
end script

pre-start script
    echo "[`date`] (sys) Starting" >> /var/log/PD/pdapp.log
end script

pre-stop script
    rm /var/run/pdapp.pid
    echo "[`date`] (sys) Stopping" >> /var/log/PDC/pdapp.log
end script

in /var/log/messages I get this when I stop the application, otherwise I get nothing in the logfile 在/ var / log / messages中,我在停止应用程序时得到了此消息,否则在日志文件中什么也没得到

Sep  2 18:23:14 547610-redhat-dev2 init: pdcapp pre-stop process (6903) terminated with status 1
Sep  2 18:23:14 547610-redhat-dev2 init: pdcapp main process (6899) terminated with status 143

any Ideas why is this not working I'm running redhat 6.5 任何想法为什么这不起作用我正在运行redhat 6.5

Red Hat具有一个过时的超级版本的Upstart,可能充满了错误,因为尽管使用了它,但它们从未对Upstart有所贡献(在RHEL 6发布后,Fedora便立即切换到systemd,甚至还没有对其进行很好的尝试)。

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