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链接器错误:python的C / C ++扩展

[英]Linker error: C/C++ Extensions for python

As my title kind of says, I'm trying to develop a C extension for Python. 就像我的标题所说的那样,我正在尝试为Python开发C扩展。 I followed this tutorial here and I ran the setup.py script. 我在这里遵循了本教程,并运行了setup.py脚本。 How ever when I run the python interpreter and try to import my newly created module, I get a linker error undefined symbol: py_BuildValue. 但是,当我运行python解释器并尝试导入新创建的模块时,却得到了链接器错误未定义符号:py_BuildValue。 I also tryed to compile it my self and I got the same errors plus an error saying Py_InitModule3 is undefined. 我也尝试自己编译它,我得到了相同的错误以及一个错误消息,指出Py_InitModule3未定义。 I have installed both python3.2-dev and python3-dev. 我已经安装了python3.2-dev和python3-dev。 Here is my test.c code: 这是我的test.c代码:

#include <python3.2/Python.h>
static PyObject* Test(PyObject* self){
    return py_BuildValue("s","This is a test and my first trip into the world of python bindings!!");

static PyMethodDef test_funcs[] ={{"testExtensions",(PyCFunction)Test, METH_NOARGS,"This is my First Extension!!"},{NULL}};

 void initTest(void){
    Py_InitModule3("Test", test_funcs, "Extension module example!");

And my setup.py code: 还有我的setup.py代码:

from distutils.core import setup, Extension
setup(name='Test', version='1.0',  \
    ext_modules=[Extension('Test', ['test.c'])])

That's because the function is called Py_BuildValue rather than py_BuildValue . 这是因为该函数称为Py_BuildValue而不是py_BuildValue C is case sensitive. C区分大小写。 If you check further up in your compile messages, you probably also have a warning there about the function being implicitly declared. 如果您进一步检查编译消息,则可能还会有一条警告,提示您隐式声明了该函数。

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