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[英]subtracting a negative 2's complement

I have two 2's complement signed binary numbers and want to subtraction them (assuming an 8-bit subtractor) 我有两个2的补码有符号二进制数,并想将它们相减(假设使用8位减法器)

1001 0110 1001 0110

1000 0001 1000 0001

what would be the operation to find the difference and why/whynot is there an overflow 找出差异的操作是什么,为什么/为什么没有溢出

to get the difference between 2 numbers you have to subtract them: 要获得2个数字之间的差,您必须将它们相减:
1001 0110b = -106
1000 0001b = -127
so -106 - (-127) = 21 因此-106 - (-127) = 21

you can also do that in binary: 您也可以用二进制代码执行此操作:

 1001 0110b
-1000 0001b
 0001 0101b

another method is: ab = a+(-b) , so you have to make the 2's complement of the second number. 另一个方法是: ab = a+(-b) ,因此您必须对第二个数字进行2的补码。 So 1000 0001b becomes 0111 1111b . 因此1000 0001b变为0111 1111b

  1001 0110b
 +0111 1111b
1 0001 0101b

the first 1 doesn't count because it's a 8bit number, so the result is also 0001 0101b which is 21 in decimal. 前一个1不计数,因为它是8位数字,因此结果也是0001 0101b ,即十进制21。

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