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[英]Feedback message in extjs

Here is my requirement: 这是我的要求:

I have a form, with 3 fields. 我有一个表格,包含3个字段。 If user changes the 3rd field to a specific value, I need to reset the 1st field and I want to give a feedback message adjacent to the 1st field with a custom message. 如果用户将第三个字段更改为特定值,则需要重置第一个字段,并且要在第一个字段附近提供带有自定义消息的反馈消息。

I understand there are different kind of Message Box is ExtJS like Prompt, Confirm, OK, Cancel etc. But I just want my message to appear and fade away in 2 seconds automatically. 我知道有不同类型的消息框是ExtJS,如Prompt,Confirm,OK,Cancel等。但是我只想让我的消息在2秒内自动出现并消失。 Can this be achieved using any ExtJS component? 可以使用任何ExtJS组件来实现吗?

I'd recommend using Ext.tip.QuickTip for something like this. 我建议使用Ext.tip.QuickTip的东西。

Ext.create('Ext.tip.QuickTip', {
    id: 'myquicktip',
    hideDelay: 2000,
    header: false

    title: 'Panel',     
    layout: 'hbox',
    height: 200,
    width: 600,     
    items: [{
            xtype: 'textfield',
            id: 'field1',

        }, {
            xtype: 'textfield',
            id: 'field2',
        }, {
            xtype: 'textfield',
            id: 'field3',
            listeners: {
                change: function(){
                    var field1 = Ext.getCmp('field1'),
                        tip = Ext.getCmp('myquicktip');                                                       


                    tip.update('field1 has been cleared');
    renderTo: Ext.getBody()

Here is a fiddle link too: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/9pd 这也是一个小提琴链接: https : //fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/9pd

Depending on how exactly it should look like, I'd use either one of 根据外观的确切程度,我将使用以下任一种

  • Ext.form.field.Display
  • Ext.form.Label
  • Ext.tip.Tip
  • Ext.tip.QuickTip

They all can be decorated with Ext.util.Animate mixin, if builtin animations are not animated enough. 如果内置动画的动画效果不够,则可以使用Ext.util.Animate mixin装饰它们。

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