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[英]How to deploy nodejs, angularjs and apache

I'm working on the seed project now 我现在正在研究种子项目

I want to use 我想用

nodejs as api server listening on port 5001 , nodejs作为api server侦听端口5001

express as back-end framework, express为后端框架,

angularjs as front-end framework, angularjs作为前端框架,

and apache as static file server (such as lots of .js file that angular requires) listening on port 5000 apache作为static file server (例如很多角度需要的.js文件)监听端口5000

In angular, I have configuration below 在角度,我有下面的配置

app.config(['$locationProvider', function ($locationProvider) {

As for apache, I add the following configuration to /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf 至于apache,我将以下配置添加到/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

Listen 5000

<VirtualHost *:5000>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/seed/public
    <Directory /var/www/seed/public >
        AllowOverride All

I also add /public/.htaccess file 我还添加了/public/.htaccess文件

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /

    # support angular
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*) /#!/$1 

The current rewrite rule is for angular, because it needs a hashbang when a user refresh the page 当前的重写规则适用于角度,因为当用户刷新页面时它需要一个hashbang

Now I don't know how to redirect api request with URL starting with /api to port 5001 现在我不知道如何将带有/api URL的api请求重定向到端口5001

Is it possible to do this with .htaccess file? 是否可以使用.htaccess文件执行此操作?

And is there any better way to cooperate with nodejs, angularjs and apache? 是否有更好的方式与nodejs,angularjs和apache合作?

I couldn't find any tutorial about this kind of combination... 我找不到关于这种组合的任何教程......

Thanks for reading or answering my question 感谢您阅读或回答我的问题

You need to set up a reverse proxy configuration in Apache. 您需要在Apache中设置反向代理配置。 Ensure firstly that mod_proxy is installed and available. 首先确保mod_proxy已安装且可用。

Then configure your Apache virtual host like this: 然后像这样配置您的Apache虚拟主机:

ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
  Order deny, allow
  Allow from all
<Location /api>
  ProxyPassReverse http://1127.0.0.1:5001


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