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[英]Passing Variables to Extended Class and Calling Methods

I am at a complete loss right now. 我现在完全不知所措。 I am trying to develop a program that will display the Months , Account # , and Balance of two savings accounts and update the Balance as interest on the accounts is accrued: 我正在尝试开发一个程序,该程序将显示两个储蓄帐户的MonthsAccount #Balance ,并在应计利息时更新Balance

  • For the first account 10,002 interest is accrued monthly with a yearly interest rate of 1.2%. 对于第一个帐户,每月应计10,002利息,年利率为1.2%。
  • For the second account 10,003 interest is accrued quarterly with a yearly interest rat of 4%. 对于第二个帐户,每季度应计利息10,003,年利率为4%。

I have to design four individual classes in order to do this. 为此,我必须设计四个单独的类。 SavingsAccount , SavingsAccountDriver , FlexibleSavingsAccount , and CDSavingsAccount . SavingsAccountSavingsAccountDriverFlexibleSavingsAccountCDSavingsAccount SavingsAccount is the parent class of both FlexibleSavingsAccount and CDSavingsAccount . SavingsAccountFlexibleSavingsAccountCDSavingsAccount的父类。 SavingsAccountDriver is the Main class. SavingsAccountDriver是Main类。

In SavingsAccount I have a method setAnnualInterestRate() that is called in SavingsAccountDriver . SavingsAccount我有一个方法setAnnualInterestRate()SavingsAccountDriver调用。 This method sets the interest rate for each account. 此方法设置每个帐户的利率。 The problem I am having is passing this value to the extended classes FlexibleSavingsAccount and CDSavingsAccount so that I can update the balance by adding the interest rate for each account. 我遇到的问题是将此值传递给扩展类FlexibleSavingsAccountCDSavingsAccount以便我可以通过添加每个帐户的利率来更新余额。 If anyone could please assist me on how this is done I would greatly appreciate it. 如果有人可以帮助我完成这项工作,我将不胜感激。

SavingsAccountDriver : SavingsAccountDriver

public class SavingsAccountDriver {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        SavingsAccount saver1 = new SavingsAccount(10002, 2000); //create new SavingsAccount object
        SavingsAccount saver2 = new SavingsAccount(10003, 3000); //create new SavingsAccount object

        saver1.setAnnualInterestRate(.012); //sets AnnualInterestRate for 'saver1' object
        saver2.setAnnualInterestRate(.04); //sets AnnualInterestRate for 'saver2' object

        System.out.println("\nMonthly balances:\n");
        System.out.println("Month " + " Account# " + " Balance " + "      " + " Month " + " Account# " + " Balance ");
        System.out.println("----- " + " -------- " + " ------- " + "      " + " ----- " + " -------- " + " ------- ");

        System.out.println(saver1.getAccountNumber() + " / " + saver1.getBalance() + " / " + saver1.getInterest());
        System.out.println(saver2.getAccountNumber() + " / " + saver2.getBalance() + " / " + saver2.getInterest());

        /*for(int month = 0; month <= 12; month++) {
            switch(month) { // switch that outputs month, account number, and balance for both accounts (Some non-needed cases used to make output look cleaner)
                case 0:
                    System.out.println(month + "      " + saver1.getAccountNumber() + "     " + saver1.getBalance() + "         " + month + "      " + saver2.getAccountNumber() + "     " + saver2.getBalance());
                case 4: 

                    System.out.println(month + "      " + saver1.getAccountNumber() + "     " + saver1.getBalance() + "         " + month + "      " + saver2.getAccountNumber() + "     " + saver2.getBalance());
                case 10:

                    System.out.println(month + "     " + saver1.getAccountNumber() + "     " + saver1.getBalance() + "        " + month + "     " + saver2.getAccountNumber() + "     " + saver2.getBalance());
                case 11:

                    System.out.println(month + "     " + saver1.getAccountNumber() + "     " + saver1.getBalance() + "        " + month + "     " + saver2.getAccountNumber() + "     " + saver2.getBalance());
                case 12:

                    double totalBalance = saver1.getBalance() + saver2.getBalance();
                    System.out.println(month + "     " + saver1.getAccountNumber() + "     " + saver1.getBalance() + "        " + month + "     " + saver2.getAccountNumber() + "     " + saver2.getBalance());

                    System.out.println(month + "      " + saver1.getAccountNumber() + "     " + saver1.getBalance() + "        " + month + "      " + saver2.getAccountNumber() + "     " + saver2.getBalance());

SavingsAccount : 储蓄账户

public class SavingsAccount {
    // variables specific to SavingsAccount class
    public double annualInterestRate;
    private final int ACCOUNT_NUMBER;
    public double balance;

    //constructor with account number and balance parameters
    public SavingsAccount(int account_number, double balance) {
        this.ACCOUNT_NUMBER = account_number;
        this.balance = balance;

    //returns account number
    public int getAccountNumber() {
        return this.ACCOUNT_NUMBER;

    //returns balance
    public double getBalance() {
        return this.balance;

    //sets interest rate
    public void setAnnualInterestRate (double interestRate) {
        this.annualInterestRate = interestRate;

FlexibleSavingsAccount : FlexibleSavingsAccount

public class FlexibleSavingsAccount extends SavingsAccount{

        public FlexibleSavingsAccount(int account_number, double balance) {
            super(account_number, balance);

        //returns interest
        public double getInterest() {
            return annualInterestRate;  

You may want to add getInterest as an abstract method and declare SavingsAccount as abstract class. 您可能需要将getInterest添加为抽象方法,并将SavingsAccount声明为抽象类。 then you will have the method known by the compiler to call and you will be forced in the subclasses to provide the proper implementation 那么您将拥有编译器已知的方法来调用,并且您将被迫在子类中提供正确的实现

Your getInterest() method should be declared in your parent class - SavingsAccount - if you want to declare saver1 and saver2 as being of type SavingsAccount . 如果要将saver1saver2声明为SavingsAccount类型, saver2在父类SavingsAccount声明您的getInterest()方法。

The way that you show, the method will only be available to classes declared as FlexibleSavingsAccount . 按照您显示的方式,该方法仅适用于声明为FlexibleSavingsAccount类。

Since you declared them as SavingsAccount you only have access to that class' methods. 由于您将它们声明为SavingsAccount您只能访问该类的方法。

Child classes can access the methods of the parent but not the other way around. 子类可以访问父类的方法,但不能相反。

You have declared your instantiated savings accounts as type SavingsAccount . 您已将实例化的储蓄帐户声明为SavingsAccount类型。 They will not have access to the method getInterest() since it is in the child class FlexibleSavingsAccount . 他们将无法访问方法getInterest()因为该方法位于FlexibleSavingsAccount

You need to instantiate them as the actual savings account that you wish them to actually be: 您需要将它们实例化为希望它们实际成为的实际储蓄帐户:

FlexibleSavingsAccount saver1 = new FlexibleSavingsAccount(10002, 2000); //create new FlexibleSavingsAccount object

Now saver1 will be able to access getInterest() . 现在saver1将能够访问getInterest()

Extra idea: 额外的主意:

What might be nicer is to code the parent SavingsAccount as an interface. 更好的方法是将父SavingsAccount编码为接口。 You would then declare your getInterest() method in this interface, whilst leaving the details of what goes in the method to your children classes. 然后,您将在此接口中声明getInterest()方法,同时将方法中的详细信息留给子类。

SavingsAccount: 储蓄账户:

public interface SavingsAccount {
    public int getAccountNumber();
    public double getBalance();
    public void setAnnualInterestRate (double interestRate);

Then instantiate your accounts: 然后实例化您的帐户:

SavingsAccount saver1 = new FlexibleSavingsAccount(10002, 2000); //create new FlexibleSavingsAccount object

Note this has the added benefit that you declare your instances coded to the SavingsAccount interface which is always a nice idea for future proofing your code. 请注意,这样做还有一个好处,就是您可以将实例声明为已编码到SavingsAccount接口,这对于将来验证代码始终是一个好主意。

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