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[英]Android hidden app icon appear on home screen

As such I want to hide the icon from the launcher after the first run. 因此,我想在第一次运行后从启动器中隐藏该图标。 icon is gone from launcher but its still appear on home screen. 图标从启动器中消失了,但仍显示在主屏幕上。

I have seen similar applications - they can remove their own icons from the launcher app list.and their icons are not appear on home screen too. 我见过类似的应用程序-他们可以从启动器应用程序列表中删除自己的图标,并且它们的图标也不会出现在主屏幕上。

i used following code to hide app icon. 我用下面的代码来隐藏应用程序图标。 what i had made mistake ? 我犯了什么错? why app icon appear on home screen ? 为什么应用程序图标出现在主屏幕上?

 PackageManager p = getPackageManager();
    ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(this,


note: icon gone from home screen samsung galaxy S4 mini ( 4.4.2 ), but it appear on home screen on samsung galaxy S3 ( 4.3.0 ) . 注意:图标从主屏幕Samsung galaxy S4 mini(4.4.2)消失,但出现在Samsung Galaxy S3(4.3.0)的主屏幕上。 any suggestions , help appreciated 任何建议,帮助赞赏

thank you in advance .. 先感谢您 ..

public void HideApp()
        Intent localIntent = new Intent(cx.getApplicationContext(), yourClassName.class);
        cx.getPackageManager().setComponentEnabledSetting(newComponentName(cx,yourClssName.class), 2, 1);

public void Appear()
        PackageManager pm = context.getApplicationContext().getPackageManager(); 
            pm.setComponentEnabledSetting(new ComponentName(context, yourClassName.class), 
                    PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP);

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