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[英]jquery bubble pop up not working

All, 所有,
I am trying to use jquery bubble up v2.3.1. 我正在尝试使用jquery bubble up v2.3.1。 But It seem not working on JSFiddle. 但它似乎不适用于JSFiddle。 Can anyone tell me why? 谁能告诉我为什么?

    $('input[type="text"]').attr('placeholder', 'Enter number bwteen 1 and 100');
    $('tr').CreateBubblePopup({ innerHtml: 'This is a Bubble Popup!' });


http://jsfiddle.net/matildayipan/sks358zo/10/ http://jsfiddle.net/matildayipan/sks358zo/10/

http://jsfiddle.net/sks358zo/13/ http://jsfiddle.net/sks358zo/13/


Make sure the scripts you added as external resources actually exist. 确保添加为外部资源的脚本确实存在。

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