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[英]Facebook key hash for Android

According to this tutorial you need to run this command to generate key hash: 根据本教程,您需要运行以下命令来生成密钥哈希:

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

When I do that it asks for a password. 当我这样做时,它要求输入密码。 What password it needs? 需要什么密码?

Presumably it's asking for the password to the debug.keystore specified in the keytool command. 大概是在要求keytool命令中指定的debug.keystore的密码。 which should be defaulted to android 应该默认为android

If you've manually changed the password of the keystore, then you'll obviously need to enter the password that you changed it to. 如果您手动更改了密钥库的密码,那么显然您需要输入将其更改为的密码。

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