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[英]Changing layout of navigation drawer icon

( http://i.imgur.com/m5uukSr.png ) http://i.imgur.com/m5uukSr.png

How can I format the navigation drawer icon (seen on the left) so I can move it to the right or add padding? 如何格式化导航抽屉图标(在左侧看到),以便可以将其向右移动或添加填充?

I've tried changing the format within the styles; 我尝试过更改样式中的格式; however, that doesn't seem to work. 但是,这似乎不起作用。

ActionBarDrawerToggle(<Activity>, <DrawerLayout>, R.drawable.main_icon, 0, 0);

drawable/main_icon.xml : drawable/main_icon.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/your_icon" android:left="10dp" />

Then adjust the margins android:left , android:right etc. 然后调整边距android:leftandroid:right等。

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