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使用Parse API for Unity的iOS上的复合查询(特别是.or())

[英]Compound Queries (Specifically .or()) on iOS using the Parse API for Unity

So I have a script in Unity that uses the .Or() method of ParseQueries to get some rows from our Parse database. 因此,我在Unity中有一个脚本,该脚本使用ParseQueries的.Or()方法从我们的Parse数据库中获取一些行。 Specifically to retrieve rows that represent matches with the corresponding usernames for both players. 专门用于检索代表与两个玩家的相应用户名匹配的行。

The code in question looks like this. 有问题的代码看起来像这样。

    var query1 = ParseObject.GetQuery("Game").WhereEqualTo("hostUsername", (string)ParseUser.CurrentUser["username"]).WhereEqualTo("p2username", parseUsername);
    var query2 = ParseObject.GetQuery("Game").WhereEqualTo("hostUsername", parseUsername).WhereEqualTo("p2username", (string)ParseUser.CurrentUser["username"]);

    //Runs both query 1 and query 2, and counts the combined results.
    query1.Or(query2).CountAsync().ContinueWith(t =>

        int count = t.Result;

        if (count != 0) 
            query1.Or(query2).FirstAsync().ContinueWith(y =>
             //Do stuff with the first result

This works just fine on Android devices, no problem there. 这在Android设备上正常运行,没有问题。 However, when we build our game for iOS devices, or at least iPhones, we get the following error message: 但是,当我们为iOS设备或至少iPhone开发游戏时,会出现以下错误消息:

System.Linq.Enumerable.<CreateConcatIterator>c__Iterator1<Parse.ParseQuery<Parse.ParseObject>>     doesn't implement interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Parse.ParseQuery<T>>
* Assertion: should not be reached at mini-trampolines.c:183

I did some googling and it seems like this might be a bug in either the Facebook SDK or Parse's API? 我做了一些谷歌搜索,看来这可能是Facebook SDK或Parse API中的错误? There were a handful of threads about it on the old Parse forums, but no solution that I could see. 在旧的Parse论坛上有很多关于它的话题,但是我看不到任何解决方案。

Someone made this: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/750897958275392/ post on the developers page for Facebook and in July one of the devs there said that they are still working on it. 有人这样做: https : //developers.facebook.com/bugs/750897958275392/在Facebook开发人员页面上的帖子,7月,一位开发人员说他们仍在努力。

My question is simply, has anyone encountered the issue and discovered a solution and/or a workaround? 我的问题很简单,是否有人遇到问题并找到解决方案和/或解决方法? Pending a response from Facebook, I'm guessing I need to take another approach to this, but I'm lost as to what that might be. 在等待Facebook回应之前,我猜想我需要采取另一种方法,但是我对可能的情况迷失了。

Greatly appreciate any responses and help anyone can give. 非常感谢您的任何回应,并可以帮助任何人。

这是用于解析的Unity SDK中的错误,请订阅此错误以进行更新: https : //developers.facebook.com/bugs/750897958275392/

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