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[英]What Android Device Information is Unique with each Devices?

I am looking for a Unique Information that differs for every Android Devices. 我正在寻找每个Android设备都不同的唯一信息。 I like to do it to serve as a security for my app to avoid it from spreading and being used by unwanted users other than those who i want to share my app with. 我喜欢这样做,以作为我的应用程序的安全性,以避免它传播并被不想要与我共享应用程序的用户以外的有害用户使用。 I thought of the following and a problem: 我想到了以下问题:

  1. IMEI = Not all of my Clients' Device has a SIM Slot, others have WiFi Tablets. IMEI =并非我所有的客户设备都具有SIM卡插槽,其他人则具有WiFi平板电脑。
  2. WiFi/BT MAC = It can easily be altered and changed to another Address using some MAC Changing Software. WiFi / BT MAC =可以使用某些MAC更改软件轻松将其更改并更改为另一个地址。
  3. Android ID = Given that it is a Unique information that is present among most Android Devices, i have read an article that discusses about the bug that it resets upon factory reset. Android ID =鉴于大多数Android设备中都存在唯一信息,因此我阅读了一篇文章,讨论了在恢复出厂设置时会重置的错误。

So if there is any other idea that i can use as a protection, please refer it to me. 因此,如果还有其他可以用作保护的想法,请参考给我。

Settings.Secure#ANDROID_ID returns a unique 64 bit hex string for device

You can get it by: 您可以通过以下方式获得它:

import android.provider.Settings.Secure;

private String uniqueId = Secure.getString(getContext().getContentResolver(), 

You are muddling up two concepts - devices and users. 您正在混淆两个概念-设备和用户。 You state that you just want certain users to have access to your app, then ask for ways to limit it to certain devices, with the problems that many device identifiers can change over time. 您声明自己只是希望某些用户可以访问您的应用,然后要求将其限制在某些设备上的方法,这会带来许多设备标识符可能随时间变化的问题。 (There's a more fundamental problem than that - users will also change their devices over time as well!) (比这还存在一个更根本的问题-用户也会随着时间的推移更改其设备!)

To limit to just certain users, you can use the Play Store Beta channel - and it's perfectly fine to do this without ever having a production (freely available) version 如果只限于特定用户,则可以使用Play商店Beta频道-无需生产(免费提供)版本就可以做到这一点

https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/3131213?hl=en https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/3131213?hl=en

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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