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JIRA JQL:当前sprint中解决的问题

[英]JIRA JQL: Issues resolved in the current sprint

I would like to be able to filter for issues that are have been resolved in the current sprint. 我希望能够过滤当前sprint中已解决的问题。 Generally this would be used to prevent issues resolved in a previous sprint but delayed in testing (not reopened) showing up when we are discussing what developers achieved this sprint. 通常,这将用于防止在先前sprint中解决的问题,但在我们讨论开发人员实现此sprint的时候出现的测试延迟(不重新打开)。

Closed issues should also appear, but they are not a problem, as if they were closed last sprint, they wouldn't roll over into this one anyway. 封闭的问题也应该出现,但它们不是问题,好像它们在最后一个冲刺时关闭,它们无论如何都不会转入这个问题。

In mock-JQL, it would go something like this: 在mock-JQL中,它会是这样的:

project = "Project name" AND status in (resolved, closed) AND statusChanged() > startOfWeek() 

I have seen startofweek() and friends, but not something like startofsprint() . 我见过startofweek()和朋友,但不是像startofsprint()

We have JIRA OnDemand, so we can't install local Java add-ons. 我们有JIRA OnDemand,因此我们无法安装本地Java附加组件。

Any way to get this information? 有什么方法可以获得这些信息?

One way to create queries on issues that are resolved in latest sprint, is to create a filter for them. 在最新sprint中解决的问题上创建查询的一种方法是为它们创建过滤器。 Then you could reuse that filter in different JQLs that all need to work on subsets of that master filter. 然后,您可以在不同的JQL中重用该过滤器,这些JQL都需要在该主过滤器的子集上工作。 Warning This way is little labor intensive -- nevertheless it beats other alternatives, in case you are working with multiple filters. 警告这种方式是劳动密集型的 - 尽管如此,如果您使用多个过滤器,它会胜过其他替代方案。

  1. Create and save filter for "Closed in latest sprint" issues 为“最近冲刺中的已关闭”问题创建并保存过滤器

     status changed to (Resolved, Closed) after 2014-09-15 
  2. In other JQL-s reuse that filter 在其他JQL-s中重用那个过滤器

     // First JQL reusing filter project = "My Project" and status in (Resolved, Closed) and filter = "Closed in latest sprint" // another JQL reusing filter project = "Other Project" and assignee = currentUser() and filter = "Closed in latest sprint" 
  3. whenever you start new sprint, remember to update date in "Closed in latest sprint" filter 无论何时开始新的sprint,请记住在“最新sprint中关闭”过滤器中更新日期

Indeed, as said previously, this is somewhat manual and time consuming way. 实际上,如前所述,这在某种程度上是手动且耗时的。 But if you are in OnDemand and therefore cannot add your own JQL function that would return start date of latest sprint in defined rapidboard, then you are pretty much out of luck. 但是如果你在OnDemand中,因此无法添加自己的JQL函数,它会在定义的快速板中返回最新sprint的开始日期,那么你几乎没有运气。

If you want to see issues, that are in current ongoing sprint, but haven't been in previous sprints, then you may query them like that 如果你想查看当前正在进行的sprint中的问题,但是之前的sprint中没有,那么你可以查询它们

    project = "Project Name" 
    AND sprint in openSprints("Project Name") 
    AND sprint not in closedSprints("Project Name")

Note I passed argument to closedSprints and openSprints method, this is to make your JQL run faster in larger JIRA instances. 注意我将参数传递给closedSprints和openSprints方法,这是为了让你的JQL在更大的JIRA实例中运行得更快。 You may imagine closedSprints to resolve to a list of sprints from your entire JIRA. 您可以想象closedSprints将解析为整个JIRA中的sprint列表。 In case you have several projects, then sprints would be gathered from hundreds of projects and thus resulting a really long list of sprints (that are mostly irrelevant). 如果您有多个项目,那么将从数百个项目中收集冲刺,从而产生一个非常长的冲刺列表(这些冲刺几乎无关紧要)。 However, once you put an argument in that method, you get nice small list of sprints, and matching issues against that is faster. 但是,一旦你在该方法中添加了一个参数,你就可以获得很好的小型sprint列表,并且匹配问题的速度更快。

Additionally you might want to look for issues that have no sprint set 此外,您可能希望查找没有设置sprint的问题

    sprint IS EMPTY

But that would be just for catch the ones who work on issues, that are not in any sprint. 但这只是为了抓住那些处理问题的人,而不是任何冲刺。

You could use the openSprint() -function. 您可以使用openSprint()函数。

So your query would be : 所以你的查询将是:

sprint in openSprints()

The current, rather unsatisfactory, solution is 当前的,相当不令人满意的解决方案是

project = "Project Name" and status changed to (Resolved, Closed) after [YYYY-MM-DD] 项目=“项目名称”,状态在[YYYY-MM-DD]后更改为(已解决,已关闭)

where the date needs to be change manually to represent the start of the current sprint. 其中日期需要手动更改以表示当前sprint的开始。

Sprint in(openSprints())AND(resolutiondate> startOfWeek())

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