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[英]Why can't I detect the Bluetooth Estimote beacon using C# but the Windows OS can find them?

I recently came into the possession of a few Estimote devices and was kind of bummed that there was no Windows SDK just yet. 我最近拥有一些Estimote设备,并且有点沮丧 ,因为还没有Windows SDK。 So I tried to see about just finding the devices myself since they're just Bluetooth Low Energy devices. 因此,我试图了解自己只是寻找设备,因为它们只是蓝牙低功耗设备。

What I have found is that neither my WPF test (using the wonderful 32feet.NET or just code) nor a Windows Phone 8.1 device (both the settings screen and in code) can see these beacons. 我发现我的WPF测试(使用精彩的32feet.NET或只是代码)和Windows Phone 8.1设备(设置屏幕和代码)都不能看到这些信标。

But they can be seen under Windows 8's desktop OS settings screen. 但是在Windows 8的桌面操作系统设置屏幕下可以看到它们。 This is what I see under Windows 8 when I have the Estimotes nearby and attempt to detect Bluetooth devices: 这是我在Windows 8下看到的,当我附近有Estimotes并尝试检测蓝牙设备时:

Windows 8上的蓝牙检测

Does anyone know why the Windows desktop OS is able to see them but nothing that I've found with C#.NET is able to detect these beacons? 有谁知道为什么Windows桌面操作系统能够看到它们,但我在C#.NET中找到的任何东西都无法检测到这些信标? And does anyone have any workarounds that let's me detect beacons under Windows Phone? 有没有人有任何变通方法让我在Windows Phone下检测信标? I don't really have a need to talk to them right now, just to know which beacon is nearby. 我现在并不需要和他们交谈,只是知道附近有哪个灯塔。

I found this when searching for similar answers myself. 我在寻找类似的答案时发现了这一点。 It appears that currently Windows Store 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 apps have no support for the pairingless nature of Bluetooth Smart/BLE devices ie picking them up in passing as opposed to having to manually pair with them (not what you want to do when surrounded by beacons). 看来目前Windows Store 8.1和Windows Phone 8.1应用程序不支持蓝牙智能/ BLE设备的无配对性质,即不必手动配对它们(而不是你想要做的事情)信标)。 They only appear when you try to manually pair with them. 它们仅在您尝试手动配对时出现。

http://vincenth.net/blog/archive/2014/04/24/building-cross-platform-ibeacon-apps-for-ios-android-and-windows-with-c-and-xamarin.aspx This link here confirms it: "Bluetooth Classic and Bluetooth Smart devices must be first discovered and paired via the Windows 8.1 PC settings UI (PC & devices>Bluetooth) before being accessible via the Windows Runtime APIs for Bluetooth" http://vincenth.net/blog/archive/2014/04/24/building-cross-platform-ibeacon-apps-for-ios-android-and-windows-with-c-and-xamarin.aspx这个链接在这里确认:“蓝牙经典和蓝牙智能设备必须首先通过Windows 8.1 PC设置UI(PC和设备>蓝牙)发现并配对,然后才能通过适用于蓝牙的Windows运行时API访问”

Really frustrating. 真的很沮丧。

Regarding the question in the title: WinBeacon is a managed C# library that is able to detect iBeacons and can also act as a beacon. 关于标题中的问题: WinBeacon是一个托管C#库,能够检测iBeacons并且还可以充当信标。 Great for testing purposes. 非常适合测试目的。

Unfortunately, this only works on a Windows OS, not the Windows Phone variant. 不幸的是,这仅适用于Windows操作系统,而不适用于Windows Phone变体。

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