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如何获取SQL Server中的联接表的计数?

[英]How to get the count of a join table in sql server?

I am working with an existing sql server statement: 我正在使用现有的SQL Server语句:

    rs.record_StepID, rs.recordID, rs.stepTypeID, 
    rs.label, rs.assignedToUserID, rs.stepActivatedDate,
    l.streetNo, l.streetName, l.unit, l.city, l.state, 
    l.postalCode, l.country, rt.categoryName 
    Record_Steps as rs 
left join 
    Users as u on rs.assignedToUserID = u.userID 
left join 
    ScheduledInspections as si on rs.record_StepID = si.record_StepID 
left join 
    Records as r on r.recordID = rs.recordID 
left join 
    Locations as l on l.locationID = r.locationID 
left join 
    recordTypes as rt on r.recordTypeID = rt.recordTypeID 
    (rs.stepTypeID = 1 and rs.status = 1 and rs.assignedToUserID = '3200') 
    (rs.stepTypeID = 6 and rs.status = 1 and rs.assignedToUserID = '3200') 
    (rs.stepTypeID = 4 and rs.status = 1  and si.inspectorUserID = '3200' 
     and si.inspectionDate IS NOT NULL 
     AND CAST(si.inspectionDate AS DATE) <= CONVERT(DATE,'2014-9-8')) 
order by 
    stepActivatedDate asc

And all I need to do right now is to get the count of the records retrieved by this statement. 我现在要做的就是获取此语句检索的记录数。 I will need to set up a conditional to decide when to get a count and when to get the actual data but right now I need to get the count first, then after confirmation on the client side, get the data. 我将需要设置一个条件来决定何时获取计数以及何时获取实际数据,但是现在我需要首先获取计数,然后在客户端确认后获取数据。

I am more familiar with mysql so I am looking to get something like select count(*) from (select * from users) , but any alteration that will allow me to get only the count as the return value from this statement would help me greatly. 我对mysql较为熟悉,因此我希望select count(*) from (select * from users)获取类似select count(*) from (select * from users) ,但是任何允许我仅获取count的更改,因为该语句的返回值将对我有很大帮助。

I tried doing 我试着做

select count(*) from ( <copy paste statement>) 

to no avail. 无济于事。

This should work. 这应该工作。 I removed the order by from your derived table as it would cause an error and also gave the derived table an alias. 我从您的派生表中删除了order by ,因为这将导致错误,并且还为派生表提供了别名。

select count(1) as Cnt
    select rs.record_StepID, rs.recordID, rs.stepTypeID, rs.label, rs.assignedToUserID, rs.stepActivatedDate,si.scheduledInspectionID, l.streetNo,l.streetName, l.unit, l.city, l.state, l.postalCode, l.country, rt.categoryName 
    from Record_Steps as rs 
    left join Users as u on rs.assignedToUserID = u.userID 
    left join ScheduledInspections as si on rs.record_StepID=si.record_StepID 
    left join Records as r on r.recordID = rs.recordID 
    left join Locations as l on l.locationID = r.locationID 
    left join recordTypes as rt on r.recordTypeID = rt.recordTypeID 
    where (rs.stepTypeID = 1 and rs.status=1 and rs.assignedToUserID = '3200') 
    or (rs.stepTypeID = 6 and rs.status=1 and rs.assignedToUserID = '3200') 
    or (rs.stepTypeID = 4 and rs.status = 1  and si.inspectorUserID = '3200' and si.inspectionDate is not NULL and CAST(si.inspectionDate AS DATE) <= CONVERT(DATE,'2014-9-8')) 
)  as aTable

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