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[英]workflow passing out values between activities

I have a CodeActivity GetEstimatedArrivalTime that gets a datetime and returns it as an out argument. 我有一个CodeActivity GetEstimatedArrivalTime,它获取一个日期时间并将其作为out参数返回。

In the designer view, how can I take this value input it into the sequence diagram? 在设计器视图中,如何将这个值输入序列图?

public sealed class CodeActivityGetEVA : CodeActivity
    public InArgument<int> EventID { get; set; }
    public OutArgument<DateTime> EVA {get;set;}

    protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
        EVA.Set(context, DateTime.Now);

Initialize a variable at sequence level (lets call it "EstimatedArrivalTimeVar") and attach it to CodeActivityGetEVA 's EVA out argument. 在序列级别初始化变量(将其称为“ EstimatedArrivalTimeVar”),并将其附加到CodeActivityGetEVAEVA out参数。 From then on you can use EstimatedArrivalTimeVar with the value assigned to it. 从那时起,您可以将EstimatedArrivalTimeVar与为其分配的值一起使用。

Note that you can use a CodeActivity with a TResult as an out argument already available: 请注意,可以将带有TResult的CodeActivity用作已经可用的out参数:

public sealed class CodeActivityGetEVA : CodeActivity<DateTime>
    public InArgument<int> EventID { get; set; }

    protected override DateTime Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
        return DateTime.Now;

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