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[英]Losing values in struct array after leaving for loop in C

I am about 5 days into C programming and I am having a bit of trouble understanding what exactly is happening in my code. 我大约要花5天的时间进行C编程,但在理解代码中到底发生了什么时遇到了一些麻烦。 I populate an array of room structs on the heap the rooms each have integer values I fill with user input right after I allocate space. 我在堆上填充一个房间结构数组,每个房间都有整数值,在分配空间后立即用用户输​​入填充。 There is an array of creature structs inside each room struct. 每个房间结构内都有一系列生物结构。 I fill the fields inside each room with int values from stdin, however after I fill them and leave the for loop the values seem to reset and I get random values in their place similarly to when I allocate the memory on the heap beforehand. 我用stdin的int值填充每个房间内的字段,但是在填充它们并保留for循环之后,这些值似乎会重置,并且在随机位置上获得随机值的方式与我在堆上预先分配内存时类似。 Why I am so confused is that when I fill my creature_array with the values from stdin I do it almost in the same process and everything looks fine and those values can be accessed where needed in my game. 我之所以如此困惑,是因为当我用stdin中的值填充我的生物数组时,我几乎以相同的过程进行操作,一切看起来都很好,并且可以在游戏中需要的地方访问这些值。 Any help is greatly appreciated thanks! 任何帮助,万分感谢! My code for filling rooms and creatures is below. 我的填充房间和生物的代码如下。

typedef struct {
   int type;
   int room_number;
   int creat_number;
} creature;

typedef struct {
   struct room *north; //refernce to neighbor
   struct room *south;
   struct room *east;
   struct room *west;
   int n,s,e,w;
   int room_name, state;
   creature creature_array[10];
} room; 

void addCreature(int rm, int t, int cm) {
   int i = 0;
   int f = 0;
  for (; i < 10; i++) {
      if (ptr[rm].creature_array[i].type != 0 && ptr[rm].creature_array[i].type != 1 && ptr[rm].creature_array[i].type !=2) {
         ptr[rm].creature_array[i].creat_number = cm;
         ptr[rm].creature_array[i].type = t;
         ptr[rm].creature_array[i].room_number = rm;
      } else {
         if (f == 9) {
            printf("Room ");
            printf("%d", ptr[rm].room_name);
            printf(" is full.\n");

int main(void) {
   setbuf(stdout, NULL);
   int state, north, south, east, west;
   printf("Welcome!\nHow many rooms?\n");
   int num_r;
   scanf("%d", &num_r);
   ptr = (room *)malloc(num_r * (sizeof (room)));
   int i = 0;
for (; i < num_r; i++) {
      scanf("%d %d %d %d %d", &state, &north, &south, &east, &west);
      ptr[i].state = state;
   printf("How many creatures?\n");
   int room_num, type, creat_num;
   int num_of_c;
   scanf("%d", &num_of_c);
   int p = 0;
   int PC_count = 0;
   int creat_count = 0;
 for (; p < num_of_c; p++) {
      creat_num = creat_count++;
      scanf("%d %d", &type, &room_num);
      if (type == 0) {
         if (PC_count > 1) {
            printf("Too many PC players\n");
         pc = &ptr[room_num].creature_array[p];
      } else {

The line 线

if (ptr[rm].creature_array[i].type != 0||1||2)

is equivalent to: 等效于:

if (ptr[rm].creature_array[i].type != (0||1||2) )

is equivalent to: 等效于:

if (ptr[rm].creature_array[i].type != 1 )

Is that what you wanted? 那是你想要的吗?

I suspect you wanted: 我怀疑您想要:

if ( (ptr[rm].creature_array[i].type != 0) &&
     (ptr[rm].creature_array[i].type != 1) &&
     (ptr[rm].creature_array[i].type != 2) )


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