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Jersey / JAX-RS中的嵌套资源 - 实现Restangular示例

[英]Nested resources in Jersey/JAX-RS -how to implement Restangular example

Thus may not actually be called nested resources from a Rest perspective, but I am interested in how to structure a Jersey class as a rest provider, so it can respond to chained requests. 因此,实际上可能不会从Rest视图中调用嵌套资源,但我对如何将Jersey类构造为rest提供程序感兴趣,因此它可以响应链接请求。

ie I am ok with the basic /users, I am ok with /users/123 to get a specific user, but how to then branch down to properties of the user.... /users/123/cars, /users/123/cars/23 etc. 即我对基本/用户没问题,我可以使用/ users / 123来获取特定用户,但是如何分支到用户的属性.... / users / 123 / cars,/ users / 123 / cars / 23等

Sorry for the lack of information, but saw this as an example in the Restangular documentation for Angular. 很抱歉缺少信息,但在Angular的Restangular文档中看到了这个例子。

https://github.com/mgonto/restangular#production-apps-using- https://github.com/mgonto/restangular#production-apps-using-


// Restangular returns promises
Restangular.all('users').getList()  // GET: /users
.then(function(users) {
  // returns a list of users
  $scope.user = users[0]; // first Restangular obj in list: { id: 123 }

// Later in the code...

// Restangular objects are self-aware and know how to make their own RESTful requests
$scope.user.getList('cars');  // GET: /users/123/cars

// You can also use your own custom methods on Restangular objects
$scope.user.sendMessage();  // POST: /users/123/sendMessage

// Chain methods together to easily build complex requests
$scope.user.one('messages', 123).one('from', 123).getList('unread');
// GET: /user/123/messages/123/from/123/unread

I think resource locators should do the job. 我认为资源定位器应该完成这项工作。 In general they're re-locating the request to a different resource, which is able to consume it. 通常,他们将请求重新定位到能够使用它的不同资源。

In your case You'll have one root resource UserResource, which will handle users and sub-resources for cars, messages - CarsResource, MessagesResource. 在您的情况下,您将拥有一个根资源UserResource,它将处理汽车的用户和子资源,消息 - CarsResource,MessagesResource。

The root resource: 根资源:

class UsersResource {

    // GET: /users
    public User getById(@PathParam("id") long id) {...}

    public CarResource getCarResource(@PathParam("id") long userId) {
        return new CarResource(uesrId);

    public MessagesResource getMessagesResourceForSend(@PathParam("id") long userId) {
        return new MessagesResource(userId);

    public MessagesResource getMessagesResourceForRead(@PathParam("id") long userId) {
        return new MessagesResource(userId);

Cars and Messages resources: 汽车和消息资源:

class CarsResource {
    long userId    

    // GET: /users/123/cars
    public Car getAllCars() {
        /*retrieve all cars for user userId*/

    // GET: /users/123/cars/3
    public Car getById(@PathParam("carId") carId) { 
        /*retrieve car for id carId*/

class MessagesResource {
    long userId

    // POST: /users/123/sendMessage
    public void sendMessage(@FormParam("content") String content) {
        /*send message to user userId*/

    // GET: /user/123/messages/123/from/123/unread
    public void getUnread(@PathParam("id1") long id1, @PathParam("id2") long id2) {
            /*return unread messages*/

Sub-resources shouldn't be annotated with @Path on class level and they need to be registered with the JAX-RS runtinme in an Application class 不应在类级别使用@Path注释子资源,并且需要在Application类中使用JAX-RS runtinme注册它们

in addition to Thomas Bartalos answer, it is possible to use the path parameter id in sub-resources 除了Thomas Bartalos的回答,还可以在子资源中使用path参数id

public void getUnread(@PathParam("id") long userId,@PathParam("id1") long id1, @PathParam("id2") long id2) 
        /*return unread messages for user with userId*/

this is usefull in case you are using statless beans, it avoids passing the parameter userId during instanciation. 如果您使用无状态bean,这是有用的,它可以避免在实例化过程中传递参数userId。

Example: Root resource: 示例:根资源:

class UsersResource {
    @Inject CarResource cr;
    @Inject MessageResource mr;
    // GET: /users
    public User getById(@PathParam("id") long id) {...}

    public CarResource getCarResource() {
        return cr;

    public MessagesResource getMessagesResourceForSend() {
        return mr;

    public MessagesResource getMessagesResourceForRead() {
        return mr;

sub resources: 子资源:

class CarsResource {
    public Car getAllCars(@PathParam("userId") long userId) {//the path param is retrieved from parent path
        /*retrieve all cars for user userId*/

    public Car getById(@PathParam("userId") long userId,@PathParam("carId") carId) { 
        /*retrieve car for id carId fr the user with userId*/

class MessagesResource {
    public void sendMessage(@PathParam("userId") long userId,@FormParam("content") String content) {
        /*send message to user userId*/

    public void getUnread(@PathParam("userId") long userId,@PathParam("id1") long id1, @PathParam("id2") long id2) {
            /*return unread messages*/

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