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在iOS中使用图形API v2.1进行facebook主题标签计数

[英]facebook hashtag count using graph API v2.1 in ios

I want to get the total count for hashtag of facebook using Graph API v2.1, But every time i get error 我想使用Graph API v2.1来获取Facebook的主题标签的总数,但是每次遇到错误时,

i used this query for hashtag_count in Graph API 我在Graph API中将此查询用于hashtag_count

/v2.1/hashtag_counts?hashtags[]=pepsi&since=1400716800&access_token={app_id}|{app_seccret} /v2.1/hashtag_counts?hashtags[]=pepsi&since=1400716800&access_token={app_id}|{app_seccret}

        "message": "(#3) Application does not have the capability to make this API call.", 
        "type": "OAuthException", 
        "code": 3

How to apply in Public Content Solution program...? 如何申请公共内容解决方案...?

Well, it's written in the first sentence of the according documentation athttps://developers.facebook.com/docs/hashtag_counter/v2.1 好吧,它写在相应文档的第一句中,网址为https://developers.facebook.com/docs/hashtag_counter/v2.1

This API is restricted to partners in the Public Content Solutions program 此API仅限于“公共内容解决方案”计划中的合作伙伴

I guess your app is not whitelisted. 我想您的应用未列入白名单。

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