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如何在C中将char **转换为char *?

[英]How do I cast from char** to char* in C?

I have this problem: I have a matrix in which stores diferent characters. 我有这个问题:我有一个存储不同字符的矩阵。 Now I have to compare these characters to another one, but when compiling, it says strcmp recives char* and I have char**. 现在,我必须将这些字符与另一个字符进行比较,但是在编译时,它说strcmp接收char *,而我有char **。 So, how do I cast it? 那么,我该如何投放呢? This is the code I have: 这是我的代码:

For the matrix: 对于矩阵:

for (i = 0; i < x; i++){
        for (j = 0; j < y; j++){
            if (!fscanf(fol, "%c", &mat[i][j])){
            //printf("%c", mat[i][j]);

The part I have problems with: 我遇到的问题是:

    for (x = 0; x < largo; x++){
        for (y = 0; y < ancho; y++){
            char *charcha;
            strcpy (charcha, mat[x][y]);

            //char *charcha = "%c", mat[x][y];
            int algo = strcmp(charcha, "0");
            if (algo == 0){
                printf (" ");
            printf("%c", mat[x][y]);}

    printf ("\n");  

I tried with strcpy, but it failed as well :C 我尝试使用strcpy,但也失败了:C

Thanks 谢谢

If you want to compare strings, use: 如果要比较字符串,请使用:

for (x = 0; x < largo; x++)
   if ( strcmp(mat[x], "0") == 0 )
      // Do whatever.
      // Do whatever.

If you want to compare characters, use: 如果要比较字符,请使用:

for (x = 0; x < largo; x++)
   for (y = 0; y < ancho; y++)
      if (mat[x][y] == '0' )
         // Do whatever.
         // Do whatever.

To go from char** to char* use * 要从char **转换为char *,请使用*

example: 例:

char ** twoLevel = ..
char * oneLevel = *twoLevel;

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