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如何从API创建Windows Azure订阅

[英]How to create windows azure subscription from api

I am successfully using Service Management REST API for management of my virtual machines, clouds, storage etc. I am using this API of course through wrappers (Microsoft Azure Management Libraries). 我已成功使用服务管理REST API来管理我的虚拟机,云,存储等。我当然通过包装器(Microsoft Azure管理库)来使用此API。 The main problem is that there are limits for subscription (for example 20 cores per it). 主要问题是订阅有限制(例如,每个订阅有20个内核)。 An in some cases, after peek load I need to create more virtual machines than this limit. 在某些情况下,偷看负载后,我需要创建的虚拟机数将超过此限制。 So the main question is are there any programmatic interface for https://account.windowsazure.com so I could dynamically create new subscription and use it for all new virtual machines over this limit? 因此,主要问题是https://account.windowsazure.com是否有任何编程接口,以便我可以动态创建新的订阅并将其用于超过此限制的所有新虚拟机?

I have found similar topic but seem to me it is not related to account.windowsazure.com. 我发现了类似的话题,但是在我看来,这与account.windowsazure.com无关。

Simple answer is that you can't create a subscription programmatically. 一个简单的答案是,您不能以编程方式创建订阅。 You will have to create it manually. 您将必须手动创建它。

If your issue is with subscription limits, you can always contact support to get your quota increased. 如果您的问题与订阅限制有关,则可以随时与支持人员联系以增加配额。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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