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[英]Queue Channel backed by MQ Queue

I am planning to use a buffered queue channel backed by IBM MQ Queue. 我计划使用由IBM MQ Queue支持的缓冲队列通道。 I would like the Spring message to be put into a MQ Queue so that each can be handled in a separate transaction and if the downstream webservice fails it can be re-tried and ultimately put in a backout queue. 我希望将Spring消息放入MQ队列中,以便可以在单独的事务中处理每个消息,并且如果下游Web服务失败,则可以对其进行重试并最终放入回退队列中。 This way the messages will never be lost. 这样,消息将永远不会丢失。

I see there are implementations for JDBC Message Store and others but I cannot find anything for MQ Queue. 我看到有JDBC Message Store和其他实现,但是找不到MQ Queue的任何实现。 Can you please point me if I am missing 如果我想念你能给我指点一下吗

   <si:service-activator id="eventHandler"
     input-channel="channel1l" output-channel="amountDataChannel"
        method="processEvent" ref="eventService" >

    <si:channel id="amountDataChannel">
       <si:queue message-store="queueMessageStore ???"/>

    <si:chain id="dataChain1" input-channel="amountDataChannel" output-                      
        <si:poller fixed-rate="10000" max-messages-per-poll="1" />

        <si:transformer ref="transformer" method="transformEvent"/>

         ..Make webservice call

Update 更新资料

After reading through the documentation here is what I am doing though I have a question on transaction manger Should I be giving the transaction-manager which I declared or will it automatically participate using acknowldege attribute. 阅读完文档后,这里是我的工作,尽管我对事务管理器有疑问,我应该提供我声明的事务管理器还是使用acknowldege属性自动参与事务管理器。 If yes then what is the difference in both of them? 如果是,那么两者有什么区别?

<jee:jndi-lookup id="amountQueue" jndi-name="jms/amountQueue"   />

<si-jms:channel id="amountDataChannel" queue="amountQueue" connection-
      factory="queueConnectionFactory" transaction-manager="txManager" />

Also for production ready is there any other attribute which needs to be given ? 另外,为生产准备就绪,还需要指定其他属性吗?

Appreciate your help on this 感谢您的帮助

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