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[英]Two ui-view in the same page AngularJs

I'm new in AngularJs and I have a problem,I have two ui-view in the same page, and when push in the one button for example for show the view goals, appear the form goal in the ui-view 1 and also in the second ui-view at the same time,I worked with states.I don't know how to do for when push one button only show the form belonging to one ui-view, 我是AngularJs的新手,我有一个问题,我在同一页面中有两个ui视图,例如当按下一个按钮以显示视图目标时,在ui-view 1中也会出现表单目标在同一时间的第二个ui视图中,我使用了states。我不知道该怎么做,当按下一个按钮仅显示属于一个ui视图的表单时,

look my source: 看我的资料:


    <button class="btn btn-success"
    ng-click="go('projectShow.milestones.reports')">New Report</button>

    <div ui-view class="crearreport"></div>

    <button class="btn btn-success"
    ng-click="go('projectShow.milestones.goals')">New Goals</button>

    <div ui-view class="creargoal"></div>

Controllerjs: Controller.js:

    $scope.go = function(route){ $state.go(route);  };

RouteJs: RouteJs:

    .state('projectShow.milestones.goals', {
                    templateUrl: '../assets/projects/formulario.html', })           
                        templateUrl: '../assets/reports/formularioReport.html'  })

Regards! 问候! and thanks for your time ! 多谢您的宝贵时间!

Since you have multiple ui-view directives you need to give each one a name so you can target them individually. 由于您有多个ui-view指令,因此需要为每个指令指定一个名称,以便可以分别定位它们。

According to the ui-router wiki 根据ui-router Wiki

You can only have one unnamed view within any template (or root html) 任何模板(或根html)中只能有一个未命名的视图

<!-- Unnamed -->
<div ui-view></div> 

<!-- Named -->
<div ui-view="viewName"></div>

There are more details on how to setup ui-router & ui-view here. 这里有更多关于如何设置ui-router和ui-view的细节。 https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/Quick-Reference#ui-view https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/Quick-Reference#ui-view

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