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DropDownList C#Mvc4剃刀

[英]DropDownList C# Mvc4 Razor

I don't understand how to pass this selectListitem in the controller, how to send that to the view ? 我不明白如何在控制器中传递此selectListitem,如何将其发送到视图? With return view("MyView", listItems ) ? return view("MyView", listItems ) But it says that listItems doesn't exist in the current context ! 但是它说listItems在当前上下文中不存在! Have you an idea ? 你有主意吗? Thanks 谢谢

   List<SelectListItem> listItems= new List<SelectListItem>();
   listItems.Add(new SelectListItem
          Text = "Exemplo1",
          Value = "Exemplo1"
   listItems.Add(new SelectListItem
            Text = "Exemplo2",
            Value = "Exemplo2",
            Selected = true
   listItems.Add(new SelectListItem
            Text = "Exemplo3",
            Value = "Exemplo3"

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.tipo, listItems, "-- Select Status --")

I precise that there is already a model in my view for a form. 我认为我认为表单已经有一个模型。 I want to fill one field of the form with the dropdownlist. 我想用下拉列表填充表单的一个字段。 That's why i whant to use the HtmlHelper DropDownListFor . 这就是为什么我想要使用HtmlHelper DropDownListFor

You're going to want to define a model, and pass that model class into the view. 您将要定义一个模型,并将该模型类传递到视图中。 Ditch ViewBag and use a strongly typed model. 抛开ViewBag并使用强类型模型。

public class ViewModel
  public int ddlSelectedValue {get; set;}
  List<System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem> DDLItems { get; set; } //Instantiate this through Constructor    

ViewModel model = new ViewModel();

int val = 5;
model.DDLItems.Add( new SelectListItem() { Text = "Text", Value = Val.ToString() });

return view (model)

@model NameSpace.ViewModel

@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.ddlSelectedValue, Model.DDLItems)

HERE GO IN THE VIEW @{ 进入视野@ {

List<User> listaUsers = (List<User>)ViewBag.ListUser;

} }

                foreach (User us in listaUsers)

                        <option value="@us.UserID">@us.Name</option>



    /// Name function its like name of view for binding this part go to the controller
    public ActionResult anytingName()
        User us= new User();
        List<User> users= new List<User>();
        ViewBag.ListUser = users;
        return View();

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