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[英]Modify script to fire when keys are pressed at same time

Below is command I use to launch chrome : 以下是我用来启动chrome的命令:

:*:chr::   ;
Run www.google.com,

How can I modify this script so that chr is required to pressed at same time instead of succession so holding "chr" down launches chrome (pressing "chr" in succession should not launch chrome). 如何修改此脚本,以便要求同时按下chr而不是连续按下,因此按住“ chr”将启动chrome(连续按下“ chr”不应启动chrome)。 ?

So you want to run the command when the keys c+h+r are pressed at the same time? 因此,您想在同时按下c + h + r键时运行命令吗? Am I getting this right? 我说对了吗? If so, then this would probably be the way to go: 如果是这样,那么这可能是要走的路:

If (GetKeyState("c","p") && GetKeyState("h","p") && GetKeyState("r","p")) {
    Run www.google.com

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