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[英]Adding tuples of lists to a list in python

I don't understand the syntax of adding tuples whose elements are also elements of a list to another list that encompasses all of the information. 我不明白将元组(其元素也是列表的元素)添加到包含所有信息的另一个列表的语法。

I'm trying to create a trajectory list that contains tuples of flight data of a projectile during flight. 我正在尝试创建一个轨迹列表,其中包含弹丸飞行过程中飞行数据的元组。 I want to use tuples so that I can see all of the information for each moment in time. 我想使用元组,以便我可以及时查看每个时刻的所有信息。

import random
import math

gg = -9.81 # gravity m/s**2
tt = 10 **-9 # seconds
wind = random.randint(-10,10)   # m/s

x=random.randint(0,100)   # m/s


v0 = float(raw_input('Enter the initial velocity (m/s) -> '));
theta = float(raw_input('Enter the initial launch angle of projectile (degrees) -> '));

theta *= (180/3.14159265359)

xx = [x]
yy = [.000000000000000000001]
dz =[v0]
time = [0];

data = ( time, xx, yy, dz)
traj = [data]

while yy[-1] >0:

    traj.append ( math.sqrt( (traj[-1][3][-1] * math.sin(theta) + gg * tt)** 2+        (traj[-1][4] * math.cos(theta) -wind) ** 2 ))    # velocity
    traj.append ( traj[-1][2][-1] + dz[-1] * math.sin(theta) * tt + .5* gg * tt)    # y position
    traj.append ( traj[-1][1][-1] * dz[-1] * math.cos(theta) - wind * tt)    # x position
    traj.append ( traj[-1][0][-1] + tt)     # time

print traj

Edit: I would input integers for the initial angle and velocity (ie-45,45). 编辑:我将输入整数作为初始角度和速度(即-45,45)。 Expected outputs would be a list of tuples containing four elements corresponding to the time, x coordinate, y coordinate, and velocity, respectively. 预期的输出将是一个元组列表,其中包含分别对应于时间,x坐标,y坐标和速度的四个元素。 Currently, I'm receiving a tuple index out of range error. 目前,我收到一个元组索引超出范围错误。

Where you have 你在哪里


in your first traj.append line, traj[-1] is data , and data is only four elements long, so the last item is at index 3. 在您的第一条traj.append行中, traj[-1]data ,并且data只有四个元素长,因此最后一项在索引3处。

The problem with your code is that you append data the values you compute in the while loop to the traj list. 代码的问题是,您将数据添加到while循环中的计算值添加到traj列表。 This will not update the lists xx , yy , time or dz . 这不会更新列表xxyytimedz You could modify the code in the following way 您可以通过以下方式修改代码

while yy[-1] > 0:
    dz_next = math.sqrt( (yy[-1] * math.sin(theta) + gg * tt)** 2+(dz[-1] * math.cos(theta) -wind)** 2)
    yy_next = yy[-1] + dz[-1] * math.sin(theta) * tt + .5* gg * tt
    xx_next = xx[-1] * dz[-1] * math.cos(theta) - wind * tt

    dz.append(dz_next)    # velocity
    yy.append(yy_next)    # y position
    xx.append(xx_next)    # x position
    time.append(time[-1] + tt)     # time

I think a better way would be the following 我认为以下是更好的方法

data = ( 0, x, 1e-20, v0) # initial data
traj = [data]

while True:
    t, x, y, v = traj[-1]
    if y < 0:

    traj.append((t + tt, # time
                 x * v * math.cos(theta) - wind * tt, # x position
                 y + v * math.sin(theta) * tt + .5* gg * tt, # y position
                 (y* math.sin(theta) + gg * tt)** 2 + (v*math.cos(theta) -wind) ** 2) # velocity

    print traj
    t_traj, x_traj, y_traj, z_traj = zip(*traj)

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