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[英]Map JSON object into TypeScript Object

I am returning an array of objects from server using AJAX JQuery, an example 我正在使用AJAX JQuery从服务器返回对象数组

[{"Name":"Name1","ResultSet":[{"Id": 1,"Name":"Name1"}, {"Id": 2,"Name":"Name2"}]},{"Name": "Name11", "ResultSet": [{"Id": 11, "Name": "Name11"}, {"Id": 22, "Name": "Name22"}]}]

Also, I have the following TypeScript object I want to map 另外,我有以下要映射的TypeScript对象

interface IResult {
   name: string;
   resultSet: any;

export class Result implements IResult {
    constructor(public name: string, public resultSet: any) { }

The way I am processing the results, 我处理结果的方式

dataService.execute(function (results) {
    $(results).each(function (index, element) {
            $.each(element.ResultSet, function (key, value) {
                $.each(value, function (key, value) {
                    console.log(key + ' - ' + value);

Inside VS 2013, the compiler complains that: 在VS 2013中,编译器抱怨:

The property 'Name' does not exist on value of type 'Element'.

Is there a way to map the returned collection of objects to an array of TS Result objects? 有没有一种方法可以将返回的对象集合映射到TS Result对象的数组?

Thanks 谢谢

UPDATE I ended up looping as follows: 更新我最终循环如下:

var result = <Array<IResult>>results;

$.each(result, function (index, item) {
      // item is Result instance
      // item.name

      // item.resulSet
      $.each(item.resultSet, function (key, val) {
            // val is single Object (one result)
            $.each(val, function (k, v) {
                  // k,v => key/value for each property on result
                    console.log(k + ' - ' + v);

}); });

In your interface definition for IResult the properties are lower case, but you try and access them using upper case. 在IResult的接口定义中,属性为小写字母,但您尝试使用大写字母访问它们。 Since your JSON has upper case change IResult to: 由于您的JSON具有大写字母,因此将IResult更改为:

interface IResult {
   Name: string;
   ResultSet: any;

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