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用于创建Visual Studio本身的GUI引擎是什么?

[英]What is the GUI engine used to create Visual Studio itself?

It really bugs me not knowing what is the GUI engine used to create Microsoft Visual Studio ? 我真的不知道如何创建Microsoft Visual Studio的GUI引擎使我感到困惑。 is it Winforms (which i doubt) or WPF or what ? 是Winforms(我怀疑)还是WPF还是什么? also most recent apps like FL Studio which offers a pretty fluid user interface with without any glitches or FPS drops what engine did they use to provide us with such smooth experience. FL Studio等最新的应用程序,它们提供了一个非常流畅的用户界面,没有任何小故障或FPS掉落,他们使用什么引擎为我们提供了如此流畅的体验。

It's a mix of WinForms, WPF, and legacy C++. 它是WinForms,WPF和旧版C ++的结合。

In newer versions, more of the UI was ported to WPF. 在较新的版本中,更多的UI已移植到WPF。

For more details, see my blog or your favorite decompiler. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅我的博客或您喜欢的反编译器。

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