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[英]ASP.NET MVC LINQ Grouping

I am trying to group multiple items according to one column from my database table. 我试图根据数据库表中的一列对多个项目进行分组。 I have combed through countless posts covering this topic and have had no luck in solving my issue. 我浏览了无数有关该主题的帖子,也没有运气解决我的问题。

This is the tutorial that I am following that does exactly what I need: http://ole.michelsen.dk/blog/grouping-data-with-linq-and-mvc/ 这是我正在遵循的教程,完全可以满足我的需要: http : //ole.michelsen.dk/blog/grouping-data-with-linq-and-mvc/

This is what my Table Definition looks like: 这是我的表定义的样子:


Here is an example of what I am trying to get: 这是我尝试获得的示例:

field_name 1
  task_no | task_statement
  task_no | task_statement
  task_no | task_statement
field_name 2
  task_no | task_statement
  task_no | task_statement
field_name 3
  task_no | task_statement
  task_no | task_statement

Here are my models: 这是我的模型:

public partial class domain_names_tasks
    [Key]public int task_no { get; set; }
    public string task_statement { get; set; }
    public string field_name { get; set; }

class created from following tutorial. 从以下教程创建的类。

    public class Group<T, K>
    public K Key;
    public IEnumerable<T> Values;

Here is my controller: 这是我的控制器:

    public ActionResult DomainTaskStatements()
        var taskStatements = context.domain_names_tasks.Select(ts => new domain_names_tasks
                                                                task_no = ts.task_no,
                                                                task_statement = ts.task_statement,
                                                                field_name = ts.field_name

        var data = from ts in taskStatements
                   group ts by ts.field_name into tsg
                   select new Group<string, domain_names_tasks> { Key = tsg.Key, Values = tsg };
        return View(data.toList());

I am getting two errors: 我遇到两个错误:

1st Error 第一个错误

Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'GeologyWebApp.Models.domain_names_tasks'    

which is being caused here: 这是在这里引起的:

Key = tsg.Key

2nd Error 第二次错误

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IGrouping<string,GeologyWebApp.Models.domain_names_tasks>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

being caused here: 在这里引起的:

Values = tsg

I am new to using LINQ and ASP.NET so I apologize for asking a question about an issue that may be simple to solve. 我是使用LINQ和ASP.NET的新手,所以我很抱歉提出一个可能很容易解决的问题。 I have had no luck looking though other questions related to LINQ grouping so I thought I would post this question. 尽管我没有其他与LINQ分组有关的问题,但我没有运气,所以我想我会发布这个问题。 Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

Edit 1 ------- 编辑1 -------

Sorry I did not notice my silly mistake with the Key and Value parameters in the Group class. 抱歉,我没有注意到Group类中Key和Value参数的愚蠢错误。

Here is my revised controller and view that now work. 这是我修改后的控制器,现在可以使用。

Controller: 控制器:

NOTE: I had to change my "taskStatements" query because I was getting the error: "The entity cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query". 注意:我不得不更改我的“ taskStatements”查询,因为我收到错误:“该实体不能在LINQ to Entities查询中构造”。 I followed an answer found here to fix this issue. 我按照此处找到的答案来解决此问题。

    public ActionResult DomainTaskStatements()
        var taskStatements = (from ts in context.Set<domain_names_tasks>()
                  select new
                      task_no = ts.task_no,
                      task_statement = ts.task_statement,
                      field_name = ts.field_name
                  }).ToList().Select(x => new domain_names_tasks { task_no = x.task_no, task_statement = x.task_statement, field_name = x.field_name });

        var data = from ts in taskStatements
                   group ts by ts.field_name into tsg
                   select new Group<string, domain_names_tasks> { Key = tsg.Key, Values = tsg };
        return View(data.ToList());

View: 视图:

@model IEnumerable<GeologyWebApp.Models.Group<string, GeologyWebApp.Models.domain_names_tasks>>
    ViewBag.Title = "DomainTaskStatements";

    <thead><tr><th>task no</th><th>task statement</th></tr></thead>
        @foreach (var group in Model)
            <tr><th colspan="2">@group.Key</th></tr>
            foreach (var task in group.Values)
select new Group<string, domain_names_tasks> { Key = tsg.Key, Values = tsg };

should probably be 应该是

select new Group<domain_names_tasks, string> { Key = tsg.Key, Values = tsg };

because on 因为在

Group<T, K>

the key (K) is the second type parameter and the type (T) is the first. 键(K)是第二个类型参数,类型(T)是第一个类型参数。

However, I don't believe you need to have your own Group type, using 'group by' in LINQ should return: 但是,我不认为您需要拥有自己的组类型,在LINQ中使用'group by'应该返回:


You could probably get away with this in the controller: 您可能可以在控制器中解决这个问题:

var data = from ts in taskStatements
           group ts by ts.field_name;

and then this in the view (for the nested loop): 然后在视图中(对于嵌套循环):

foreach (var task in group)

instead of 代替

foreach (var task in group.Values)

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