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[英]Hosting full stack web application on Heroku

I have a full stack web application that I want to host on Heroku. 我有一个完整的Web应用程序,我想在Heroku上托管。 I have never deployed a web application so I don't know where to begin. 我从未部署过Web应用程序,所以我不知道从哪里开始。 Can anyone help me out? 谁能帮我吗? The frontend is HTML/CSS/JS(angular) and the backend is java(spring) if that helps. 前端是HTML / CSS / JS(角度),后端是java(弹簧)(如果有帮助的话)。

This guide pretty much goes through everything that you need to do to deploy to heroku. 本指南几乎涵盖了部署到heroku所需的所有操作。

Basically, if you have your code hosted on github already, you can just create the app on heroku, add a heroku remote (git add remote 'git@heroku.com:yourapp.git') and push to heroku (git push heroku master). 基本上,如果您已经将代码托管在github上,则可以在heroku上创建应用程序,添加一个heroku远程对象(git add remote'git@heroku.com:yourapp.git'),然后推送至heroku(git push heroku master) )。 If you are unfamiliar with git , I suggest you start with that. 如果您不熟悉git ,建议您从此开始。

First and foremost, Heroku has a developer manual here Heroku Java Development Going through that, you will realise that Heroku gives you tomcat/jetty support only, but you must use embedded versions, and fireup everything on your own. 首先,Heroku在这里有一个开发人员手册Heroku Java开发经历了这一过程,您将认识到Heroku仅提供了tomcat / jetty支持,但是您必须使用嵌入式版本,并自行启动所有功能。

I guess since you have to fireup everything on your own, using even a full-fledged javaee could be possible, the only problem is firing it up, and tomcat/jetty gives you an easier option. 我猜想因为您必须自己启动所有内容,所以甚至可以使用成熟的Javaee,唯一的问题是启动它,并且tomcat / jetty为您提供了更简单的选择。

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