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[英]Drupal7 Retrieve the values from an array

I have an array, that I want to retrieve the values from. 我有一个数组,我想从中检索值。 When I test the array with a print_r, it says that it has the right values. 当我用print_r测试数组时,它表示它具有正确的值。 But when I want to show them in their right places, it says that it has no values. 但是当我想在正确的位置展示它们时,它表示它没有价值。

function employees_items($nodeid, $language)
  $query  = db_query(//SOME QUERY);
  $rows   = array();

   foreach ($query as $row) {
    $rows[] = array(

    return $rows;   

} }

Here I want to retrieve the values...I want the value in $row->uri. 在这里我想检索值...我想要$ row-> uri中的值。 The errormessage: Trying to get property of non-object i employees_block_view() 错误消息:尝试获取非对象i employee_block_view()的属性

  function employees_block_view($delta = '')
 if (array_key_exists($brandpage_id_page, $medarbejder_brandpages))
     switch ($delta)

        case 'employees':                                   

        $employees = employees_items($brandpage_id_page, $lang_name);

        foreach ($employees as $row)

              $block['content'] .= '<div class="img">';
              $block['content'] .= '<img style="width: auto; height: 100px;"    src="'.file_create_url($row->uri). '" alt="Vores support medarbejder" />';
  return $block;

I found the answer. 我找到了答案。 This is the way it must be written to read the value of 'uri'. 这是读取“ uri”值必须编写的方式。

 $block['content'] .= '<img style="width: auto; height: 100px;" src="'.file_create_url($row['uri']). '" alt="Vores support medarbejder" />';

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