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什么时候应该在c ++中使用memcpy和memmove?

[英]When we should use a memcpy and memmove in c++?

I reflecting about memcpy. 我在反思memcpy。

I know that memcpy is for copy a variable to variable. 我知道memcpy是用于将变量复制到变量。

But it is not better to use: (for ex.) 但最好不要使用:( 例如)

int a = 5;
int b;

b = a;

Instead memcpy ? 而是memcpy吗?

or use std::move instead memmove ? 或使用std::move代替memmove吗?

  1. Memcpy and Memmove are not outdated/slowly functions (perhaps these functions are from C)? MemcpyMemmove没有过时/慢慢功能(也许这些功能是从C)?
  2. If yes, what is the best way to replace these functions in C++11 standard ? 如果是,在C ++ 11标准中替换这些功能的最佳方法是什么?

In order of decreasing importance, advantages are: 按重要性递减的顺序,优点是:

  • memcpy and memmove are type agnostic, so they can be used to bypass strict aliasing restrictions. memcpymemmove与类型无关,因此可用于绕过严格的别名限制。

  • memcpy and memmove don't require alignment, although they probably run faster when data is aligned. memcpymemmove不需要对齐,尽管对齐数据时它们可能运行得更快。

  • memcpy may be faster, since it can copy multiple elements at once. memcpy可能会更快,因为它可以一次复制多个元素。 With the std::is_trivially_copyable type trait, though, std::copy should do this also. 但是,对于std::is_trivially_copyable类型特征, std::copy应该这样做。

Of course, they have the disadvantage of only working with trivially copyable types, and only with pointers, not iterators. 当然,它们的缺点是只能使用普通可复制的类型,并且只能使用指针而不是迭代器。 But they have definite uses in C++ code, for example when pulling unaligned data out of network packets or blocks of files, or implementing approximations to floating-point functions using bit tricks . 但是它们在C ++代码中有明确的用途,例如,当从网络数据包或文件块中拉出未对齐的数据时,或使用位技巧来实现浮点函数的近似值时

You are only considering one case. 您仅考虑一种情况。 Nobody use memcpy and memmove for int variables. 没有人将memcpymemmove用于int变量。

They are basically highly optimized function to copy large blocks of data. 它们基本上是高度优化的功能,可以复制大块数据。 They are the system functions. 它们是系统功能。 They directly deal with memory. 它们直接处理内存。

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