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[英]How to make RMarkdown (.Rmd) table captions go at the top

Usually tables have captions at the top. 通常表格顶部有标题。

However, RMarkdown always places the caption at the bottom for pdf_document outputs: 但是,RMarkdown始终将标题放在pdf_document输出的底部:


This is strange because in html docs the caption is automatically placed at the top: 这很奇怪,因为在html文档中,标题会自动放在顶部:


How do I make table captions go to the top in the pdf documents also? 如何将表格标题放在pdf文档的顶部呢?

Reproducible example (replace pdf_document with html_document to see both) - the contents of my file tables.Rmd: 可重复的示例(用html_document替换pdf_document以查看两者) - 我的文件tables.Rmd的内容:

title: "tables"
author: "Robin Lovelace"
date: "09/16/2014"
output: pdf_document


Table: This is a table

| id| age|sex | zone|
|  1|  59|m   |    2|
|  2|  54|m   |    2|
|  4|  73|f   |    2|


| id| age|sex | zone|
|  1|  59|m   |    2|
|  2|  54|m   |    2|
|  4|  73|f   |    2|

Table: This is a table


This thread can shed some light on the problem you're having . 这个主题可以解释你遇到的问题 Note that the latest version of pandoc (1.13.2) now places table captions on top in pdf output. 请注意,最新版本的pandoc(1.13.2)现在将表格标题放在pdf输出的顶部。

The following examples are with pandoc-1.12.3 以下示例使用pandoc-1.12.3

Unfortunately the \\usepackage{floatrow} suggestion doesn't work for longtable (the table environment generated by the LaTeX writer for pandoc ), because it is not a float environment. 不幸的是, \\usepackage{floatrow}建议不适用于longtable (由LaTeX编写器为pandoc生成的表环境),因为它不是float环境。

  - \usepackage{booktabs}
  - \usepackage{longtable}
  - \usepackage{floatrow}
  - \floatsetup[table]{capposition=top}
output: pdf_document

| id| age|sex | zone|
|  1|  59|m   |    2|
|  2|  54|m   |    2|
|  4|  73|f   |    2|

Table: This is a table

This table produces the following latex: 该表生成以下乳胶:

id & age & sex & zone
1 & 59 & m & 2
2 & 54 & m & 2
4 & 73 & f & 2
\caption{This is a table}

Which makes the table you described -- the caption does not respond to the \\floatsetup in the yaml header). 这使你描述的表 - 标题不响应yaml标头中的\\floatsetup )。


To place the caption at the top, \\caption{} can be moved. 要将标题放在顶部,可以移动\\caption{} I don't personally know an easy way to force a longtable caption to the top (but I'm not a LaTeX expert). 我个人并不知道一种简单的方法可以强制使用longtable标题(但我不是LaTeX专家)。

\caption{This is a table} \\
id & age & sex & zone
1 & 59 & m & 2
2 & 54 & m & 2
4 & 73 & f & 2


You can use the xtable package to generate tables that are in a table environment that responds to the \\floatsetup in the preamble (though the package also gives you the option to place the caption at the top). 您可以使用xtable包生成表环境中的表,这些table响应前导码中的\\floatsetup (尽管该包还提供了将标题置于顶部的选项)。

```{r results = 'asis'}
# Preset some options for printing your xtables
options(xtable.caption.placement = 'bottom', # notice \floatsetup overrides
        xtable.include.rownames = FALSE,
        xtable.comment = FALSE,
        xtable.booktabs = TRUE)

    id = c(1L, 2L, 4L),
    age = c(59L, 54L, 73L),
    sex = c('m', 'm', 'f'),
    zone = rep(2L, 3)),
  caption = 'This is a table')


The caveat to all of this is that all of the raw LaTeX that is fed to pandoc will be removed if you decide to compile to html... bummer. 所有这一点的警告是,如果您决定编译为html,那么所有输入到pandoc的原始LaTeX都将被删除。

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