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ASP.net Identity 2.0退出另一个用户

[英]ASP.net Identity 2.0 Sign-out another user

I'm using asp.net MVC and ASP.net Identity 2.0. 我正在使用asp.net MVC和ASP.net Identity 2.0。

On my website Admin has option to ban user, and I would like when user is banned that he is automatically signed-out from website. 在我的网站上管理员可以选择禁止用户,我希望当用户被禁止他自动从网站注销时。

I know that I can sign-out current user by calling 我知道我可以通过电话退出当前用户


But is it possible to sign-out another user ? 但是可以注销另一个用户吗? Or maybe shorter his session ? 或者可能缩短他的会话时间 Or anything ? 还是什么?

I know I could make global filter on controllers prohibiting banned users from access but that filter would be ran against each user so I'm not quiet satisfied with that solution. 我知道我可以对控制器进行全局过滤,禁止禁止用户访问但是过滤器会针对每个用户运行,所以我对这个解决方案并不满意。

If you use the securitystampvalidator feature, when a user is banned just call: UpdateSecurityStamp(userId) to cause any existing login cookies to be invalid the next time they are checked. 如果使用securitystampvalidator功能,则在禁止用户时,只需调用: UpdateSecurityStamp(userId)以便在下次检查时使任何现有登录cookie无效。

More info about SecurityStamp? 有关更多信息SecurityStamp?

You'll need to configure cookie invalidation in Auth.Config.cs: 您需要在Auth.Config.cs中配置cookie失效:

public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
    // important to register UserManager creation delegate. Won't work without it

    app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
        Provider = new CookieAuthenticationProvider
            OnValidateIdentity = SecurityStampValidator
                .OnValidateIdentity<UserManager, ApplicationUser, int>(
                    validateInterval: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10),
                    regenerateIdentityCallback: (manager, user) => user.GenerateUserIdentityAsync(manager))
        // other configurations

    // other stuff

and then update security stamp as Hao Kung says when users are banned. 当用户被禁止时,郝公说,然后更新安全标记。

I've blogged about this recently 我最近在博客上写过这篇文章

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