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将unsigned char字节打包到c中的unsigned int中

[英]packing unsigned char bytes into an unsigned int in c

I have an assignment in which I have to pack the bytes from 4 unsigned char into an unsigned int. 我有一个作业,其中我必须将4个无符号字符的字节打包成一个无符号int。

the code goes as following: 代码如下:

#include <stdio.h>

int main (){
    //Given this
    unsigned char a = 202; 
    unsigned char b = 254; 
    unsigned char c = 186; 
    unsigned char d = 190; 

    //Did this myself
    unsigned int u = a; 
    u <<=8; 
    u |= b; 
    u <<=8; 
    u |= c
    u <<=8; 
    U |= d; 

I know that: 我知道:

u <<=8; 

Shifts the bits in u to the left 8. But I am confused as to what the lines like u |= b; 将u中的位向左移8。但是我对于像u |= b;的行感到困惑u |= b; do? 做?

Simply, I am trying to better understand what the code I came up works into packing the bytes from 4 unsigned char into an unsigned int. 简而言之,我试图更好地理解我提出的代码可以将4个无符号字符的字节打包为无符号int。 I came up with this solution in a brute type of way. 我以一种蛮横的方式提出了这个解决方案。 I was just trying to pack bytes in different ways, and this way worked. 我只是试图以不同的方式打包字节,这种方式有效。 But I am not really sure why. 但我不确定为什么。

Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

a which is 202 in binary would be 11001010 二进制为202 a将是11001010

b which is 254 in binary would be 11111110 b二进制为25411111110

c which is 186 in binary would be 10111010 二进制文件186中的c10111010

d which is 190 in binary would be 10111110 d (二进制为19010111110

unsigned int u = a;
u <<= 8;    // now u would be 11001010 00000000
u |= b;     // now u would be 11001010 11111110
u <<= 8;    // now u would be 11001010 11111110 00000000
u |= c;     // now u would be 11001010 11111110 10111010
u <<= 8;    // now u would be 11001010 11111110 10111010 00000000
u |= d;     // now u would be 11001010 11111110 10111010 10111110
            // This is how        a        b        c        d    
            // are packed into one integer u.

u | = b表示u = u OR b因此,这是OR运算

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