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jQuery UI从滑块获取价值

[英]Jquery UI getting value from slider

I have two sliders in my page : one with period and the other one with amount. 我的页面中有两个滑块:一个带有句点,另一个带有数量。 I want to get the values of the sliders every time them are changed, and that values use in another function. 我想每次更改滑块时获取它们的值,并且这些值将在另一个函数中使用。 Here is my code 这是我的代码

For period slider 对于期间滑块

        $(function() {
        $( "#slider-period" ).slider({
            range   : "max",
            min : 3,
            max : 12,
            value   : 4,
            slide   : function (event,ui) {
                $(".period").html(ui.value+" years");

            change  : function (event,ui) {
                $(".period").html(ui.value+" years");



For amount slider: 对于数量滑块:

        $(function() {
        $( "#slider-amount" ).slider({
            range   : "max",
            min : 500,
            max : 150000,
            step    : 1000,
            value   : 1200,
            slide   : function (event,ui) {
                $("#amount").html(ui.value+" RON");
            change  : function (event,ui) {
                $("#amount").html(ui.value+" RON");



I want to make two global variables that are actualized every time the sliders are changed. 我想使两个全局变量在每次更改滑块时都实现。 Any idea? 任何想法?

Try making a global function that is called whenever they are updated. 尝试制作一个在每次更新时都会调用的全局函数。

function sliderUpdated() {
    var periodVal = $( "#slider-period" ).slider("option", "value");
    var amountVal = $( "#slider-amount" ).slider("option", "value");


For period slider 对于期间滑块

    $(function() {
    $( "#slider-period" ).slider({
        range   : "max",
        min : 3,
        max : 12,
        value   : 4,
        slide   : function (event,ui) {
            $(".period").html(ui.value+" years");

        change  : function () {



For amount slider: 对于数量滑块:

    $(function() {
    $( "#slider-amount" ).slider({
        range   : "max",
        min : 500,
        max : 150000,
        step    : 1000,
        value   : 1200,
        slide   : function (event,ui) {
            $("#amount").html(ui.value+" RON");
        change  : function () {



You can just make two variables at the top of your script and update them from the change method of the jquery slider. 您可以在脚本顶部创建两个变量,然后通过jquery滑块的change方法更新它们。 For example 例如

    var years;
    var amount;

    $(function() {
        $( "#slider-period" ).slider({
            range   : "max",
            min : 3,
            max : 12,
            value   : 4,
            slide   : function (event,ui) {
                $(".period").html(ui.value+" years");

            change  : function (event,ui) {
                $(".period").html(ui.value+" years");
                years = ui.value;


 $(function() {
        $( "#slider-amount" ).slider({
            range   : "max",
            min : 500,
            max : 150000,
            step    : 1000,
            value   : 1200,
            slide   : function (event,ui) {
                $("#amount").html(ui.value+" RON");
            change  : function (event,ui) {
                $("#amount").html(ui.value+" RON");
                amount = ui.value;

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