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Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer for Php5

[英]Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer for Php5

Could anyone share the link where I can download Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer for Php5. 任何人都可以共享该链接,从中我可以下载Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer for Php5。 On the main site http://pear.php.net/package/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer I was able to find that it is compatible with php 4.1.0 .. Apparently when i downloaded the code I found a lot of errors which was uncompatible with PHP5 . 在主站点http://pear.php.net/package/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer上,我发现它与php 4.1.0兼容。显然,当我下载代码时,我发现很多错误,这些错误与PHP5不兼容。 Could anyone please give me the link where I can download the file which works on PHP5 . 任何人都可以给我链接,我可以从该链接下载适用于PHP5的文件。 Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Here is a solution. 这是一个解决方案。 You have to ignore a lot of PHP errors, then edit Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer/Worksheet.php and change in line 2490 您必须忽略很多PHP错误,然后编辑Spreadsheet / Excel / Writer / Worksheet.php并在第2490行中进行更改

$this->_append(&$string, true);


$string = $this->_append($string, true);

and add a line after line 1348 in function _append with 并在函数_append中的第1348行之后添加一行

return $data;

Add the same to Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer/BIFFWriter.php after line 165 in function _append. 在函数_append的第165行之后,将其添加到Spreadsheet / Excel / Writer / BIFFWriter.php。

Edit: The big issue, however, is in OLE/PPS/Root.php in line 623 you have to change 编辑:但是,最大的问题是在623行中的OLE / PPS / Root.php中

fwrite($FILE, pack("V", 1));


fwrite($FILE, pack("V", $num_sb_blocks));

There is no php5 port of Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer available on PEAR. PEAR上没有可用的Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer的php5端口。 Patches welcome! 欢迎补丁!

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