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[英]How can I tell whether ReactJS is in development mode from JavaScript?

I'm writing a Mixin for ReactJS. 我正在为ReactJS写一个Mixin I'd like it to do some validation, but only when ReactJS is being used in development mode . 我希望它做一些验证,但只有在开发模式下使用ReactJS时。

How can I determine from JavaScript whether ReactJS is in development or production mode? 如何从JavaScript确定ReactJS是处于开发模式还是生产模式?

The ReactJS source uses a variable called __DEV__ to track this, but it's not exported, so it's unavailable to your Mixin. ReactJS源使用一个名为__DEV__的变量来跟踪它,但它没有被导出,所以它对你的Mixin不可用。

Its consequences are, however. 然而,其后果是。 When you break an invariant, for example, dev mode ReactJS will give you a nice description of what went wrong. 当你打破一个不变量时,例如,dev模式ReactJS会给你一个很好的错误描述。 In production mode, it will give a generic error telling you to use the dev version. 在生产模式下,它会给出一个通用错误,告诉您使用开发版本。

We can use this to build a function which determines if React is in dev mode: 我们可以使用它来构建一个函数来确定React是否处于开发模式:

function isDevReact() {
  try {
  } catch(e) {
    if (e.message.indexOf('render') >= 0) {
      return true;  // A nice, specific error message
    } else {
      return false;  // A generic error message
  return false;  // should never happen, but play it safe.

This works because the exception for not implementing a render method is different in the two modes: 这是有效的,因为在两种模式下,不实现render方法的异常是不同的:

Development: "Invariant Violation: createClass(...): Class specification must implement a `render` method. Inline JSX script:16"
Production:  "Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings. Inline JSX script:16"

The word "render" is specific to the invariant we violated, so it only shows up in the dev version's exception. 单词“render”特定于我们违反的不变量,因此它只显示在dev版本的异常中。

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