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[英]Moving Curl client ssl to Guzzle

I'm using Guzzle v3.9.2 with both php 5.3 and php 5.5. 我正在使用Guzzle v3.9.2与php 5.3和php 5.5。

I have the following working curl code that uses an ssl client certificate: 我有以下工作curl代码使用ssl客户端证书:

$url = "https://example.com/";
$cert_file = '/path/to/certificate.pem';

$ch = curl_init();
$options = array(
  CURLOPT_URL => $url ,
  CURLOPT_SSLCERT => $cert_file ,

curl_setopt_array($ch , $options);
$output = curl_exec($ch);

if (!$output) {
  echo "Curl Error : " . curl_error($ch);
else {
  echo htmlentities($output);

I have tried to move it to Guzzle: 我试图把它移到Guzzle:

require '/var/www/vendor/autoload.php';
use Guzzle\Http\Client;
$client = new Client();
$request = $client->get($url, array('cert' => $cert_file));
$response = $client->send($request);
echo $response . PHP_EOL;
print 'HI' . PHP_EOL;

When I run it using curl I get a 200 response. 当我使用curl运行它时,我得到200响应。 When I use Guzzle I get a 403. 当我使用Guzzle时,我得到403。

try like this: 试试这样:

 $client = new Client();
 $response = $client->get($url, array(), array('cert' => $cert_file));

and for check add this line: 并检查添加此行:

 $this->assertEquals($cert_file, $request->getCurlOptions()->get(CURLOPT_SSLCERT));

or use this: 或使用此:

 $client = new Client();
 $request = $client->createRequest('GET', $url);
 $request->getCurlOptions()->set(CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $cert_file);
 $response = $client->send($request);

if you use self singed certificate set this options : 如果您使用自签名证书设置此选项:

$request->getCurlOptions()->set(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
$request->getCurlOptions()->set(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

set this line before send request : 在发送请求之前设置此行:

$request = $client->get( .... )
$request->setResponse(new Response(200), true);

check your url and enter it compelete like this : 检查你的网址并输入它,如下所示:

$url = 'https://example.com/index.php';

and you can add default options like your curl code : 并且您可以添加像curl代码一样的默认选项:

$request->getCurlOptions()->set(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , true);
$request->getCurlOptions()->set(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION , true);

First, because this lead to some confusion, there are two versions of Guzzle available on Gihub: 首先,因为这导致了一些混乱,Gihub上有两个版本的Guzzle:

  • Guzzle3 (the old version, you are using) Guzzle3 (旧版本,你正在使用)
  • Guzzle (the new, rewritten version) Guzzle (新版,改写版)

Here comes two (tested working) examples one for each version of Guzzle: 这里有两个(经过测试的工作)示例,每个版本的Guzzle一个:

For the recent versions of Guzzle (not the so called older version Guzzle3) it should be: 对于Guzzle的最新版本(不是所谓的旧版本Guzzle3),它应该是:

use GuzzleHttp\Client;

$client = new Client();
$response = $client->get($url, array('cert' => $cert_file));


Make sure the client certificate is stored in PEM format. 确保客户端证书以PEM格式存储。 If the certificate is protected by a password, you'll need to specify it like this: 如果证书受密码保护,您需要像下面这样指定:

$response = $client->get($url, 
    array('cert' => array($cert_file, 'password' => '****'));

!! Note the above code to provide the password is described in the manual but didn't worked in the recent version. 请注意,上面提供密码的代码在手册中有描述,但在最近的版本中没有用。

For the old version Guzzle3 (you are using) 对于旧版本Guzzle3(您正在使用)

use Guzzle\Http\Client;

// Create a client and provide a base URL
$client = new Client();

$request = $client->get($url, array(), array(
    'cert' => $cert_file

// You must send a request in order for the transfer to occur
$response = $request->send();

If you are using private key then you have to use ssl_key option it will not 
work with cert.You can use **cert** options only with client certificate.

This error occurs because of three reason. 出现此错误的原因有三个。

  1. Correct certificate path is not provided. 未提供正确的证书路径。 Hence not able to read & pass the certificate information to server. 因此无法读取证书信息并将其传递给服务器。
  2. The server failed to authenticate the request because of invalid certificate. 由于证书无效,服务器无法验证请求。
  3. Php curl is not able to read the certificate file because of file owner/permission issue. 由于文件所有者/权限问题,Php curl无法读取证书文件。

How Guzzle set ssl curl path: Guzzle如何设置ssl卷曲路径:

  • Guzzle use CURLOPT_CAINFO for file & CURLOPT_CAPATH for multiple certificates in directory 对于目录中的多个证书,Guzzle使用CURLOPT_CAINFO作为文件和CURLOPT_CAPATH
  • Default certificate path is vendor/Http/Resources/cacert.pem . 默认证书路径是vendor/Http/Resources/cacert.pem
  • If you don't use phar in require_once then you can replace existing certificate file with your new certificate because it initialize SSL on every request. 如果您不在require_once中使用phar,则可以使用新证书替换现有证书文件,因为它会在每次请求时初始化SSL。 This will work without changing the code. 这将在不更改代码的情况下工作。
  • Guzzle uses ssl.certificate_authority parameter to set the curl ssl certification. Guzzle使用ssl.certificate_authority参数来设置curl ssl认证。 It supports values as false,true or file path 它支持false,true或文件路径的值
  • You can set the file path while class initialization as below- 您可以在类初始化时设置文件路径,如下所示 -

     $cert_file = '/var/www/stack/25924147/cert/example.pem'; #Use absolute path as relative path will not work $client = new Client(); $client->setDefaultOption('verify',true); #pass it for self-signed certificate $client->setSslVerification($cert_file,true,2); #Last Verify Option states default value is 2. When the verify value is 0, the connection succeeds regardless of the names in the certificate. Use that ability with caution!. When the verify value is 1, curl_easy_setopt will return an error try{ $request = $client->get($url); $options = $request->getCurlOptions(); #used to check curl options is set properly. var_dump($options); $response = $client->send($request); echo $response . PHP_EOL; print 'HI' . PHP_EOL; }catch( Guzzle\\Http\\Exception\\CurlException $e){ print_r($e->getResponse()); echo "\\n Curl Error \\n"; }catch(Guzzle\\Http\\Exception\\ClientErrorResponseException $e){ print_r($e->getResponse()); echo "\\n Response Error \\n"; }catch( Guzzle\\Http\\Exception\\RequestException $e){ print_r($e->getResponse()); echo "\\n REquest Error \\n"; } 

OR If you wants to pass certificate on every request try below code 或者如果您想在每个请求上传递证书,请尝试以下代码

   $cert_file = '/var/www/stack/25924147/cert/example.pem'; #Use absolute path as relative path will not work
   $client = new Client();
   $request = $client->get('https://www.example.com', array(), array(

      'ssl_key' => array('/etc/pki/private_key.pem')


With Passoword - 
 $request = $client->get('https://www.example.com', array(), array(

     'ssl_key' => array('/etc/pki/private_key.pem', 's3cr3tp455w0rd')


For Guzzle Http client Doc check - The Guzzle HTTP client 对于Guzzle Http客户端Doc检查 - Guzzle HTTP客户端

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