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Spring Data Rest:为扩展Revision Repository的Repository公开新的端点

[英]Spring Data Rest: Expose new endpoints for Repository that extends Revision Repository

I would like to expose new endpoints for my repository which also extends RevisionRepository. 我想为我的存储库公开新的端点,这也扩展了RevisionRepository。

@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "persons", itemResourceRel = "person", path = "persons")
public interface PersonRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<PersonEntity, Long>, RevisionRepository<PersonEntity, Long, Integer> {

    Revision<Integer, PersonEntity> findLastChangeRevision(@Param("id") Long id);

    Revisions<Integer, PersonEntity> findRevisions(@Param("id") Long id);

    Page<Revision<Integer, PersonEntity>> findRevisions(@Param("id") Long id, Pageable pageable);

    PersonEntity findByName(@Param("name") String name);

My issue right now, is that these new methods are not exposed as urls ( findLastChangeRevision , findRevisions ) and only findByName is under the search url. 我现在的问题是,这些新方法没有公开为url( findLastChangeRevisionfindRevisions ),只有findByName位于搜索网址下。 I am currently not very particular with regards to the actual url form, as long as it works. 我目前对于实际的网址形式并不是特别关注,只要它有效。

The only option I know right now is to 我现在知道的唯一选择是

  1. Separate the revision repositories 分离修订存储库
  2. Create a new controller that maps to "/", to replace the one created by Spring Data Rest, and add all the repository links manually. 创建一个映射到“/”的新控制器,以替换Spring Data Rest创建的控制器,并手动添加所有存储库链接。 One of my issues here is that my links will be hardcoded (unlike when linking to Controllers), and the paths will be relative-- not necessarily bad, but will make everything inconsistent. 我的一个问题是我的链接将被硬编码(与链接到控制器时不同),路径将是相对的 - 不一定是坏的,但会使一切都不一致。
  3. Add links to "/" that maps to the revision repositories 添加映射到修订存储库的“/”链接

I have a lot of reservations with my option above. 我对上面的选项有很多保留意见。 I am not sure how to proceed. 我不知道该怎么办。

You have made a mistake in your method names. 你在方法名称中犯了一个错误。 Find methods in the Repository class should be findByxxxxxx not findxxxxx 在Repository类中查找方法应该是findByxxxxxx而不是findxxxxx

That seems to be the problem with your code. 这似乎是您的代码的问题。

@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "persons", itemResourceRel = "person", path = "persons")
public interface PersonRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<PersonEntity, Long>, RevisionRepository<PersonEntity, Long, Integer> {

    Revision<Integer, PersonEntity> findByLastChangeRevision(@Param("id") Long id);

    Revisions<Integer, PersonEntity> findByRevisions(@Param("id") Long id);

    Page<Revision<Integer, PersonEntity>> findByRevisions(@Param("id") Long id, Pageable pageable);

    PersonEntity findByName(@Param("name") String name);

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