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[英]Swift - Typealias dictionary with value that implements a generic protocol

I want to typealias a dictionary of String keys and values of objects/structs that implements the Equatable protocol. 我想将实现Equatable协议的String键和对象/结构的值的字典类型化。 So I wrote this line of code but it gave me error that I didn't know how to go on to fix. 所以我写了这行代码,但它给了我一个我不知道如何继续修复的错误。

typealias Storage = [String: Equatable]

I want to use the type [String: Equatable] as a variable in a protocol, eg: 我想将[String:Equatable]类型用作协议中的变量,例如:

protocol StorageModel {
    var storage: Storage { get set }
    init(storage: Storage)

Error: 错误:

Protocol 'Equatable' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements 协议“ Equatable”只能用作通用约束,因为它具有“自身”或相关类型要求

在此处输入图片说明 Can anyone suggest a solution? 谁能提出解决方案?

Generally speaking, the protocol tag isn't required, protocol names are first-class type names and can be used directly: 一般来说,协议标签不是必需的,协议名称是一流的类型名称,可以直接使用:

typealias Storage = [String:Equatable]

In this case, what the error is telling you is that because Equatable includes func == (lhs:Self, rhs:Self) -> Bool and specifically lhs:Self , Equatable can't be used except as a constraint on a generic: 在这种情况下,错误告诉您的是,因为Equatable包含func == (lhs:Self, rhs:Self) -> Bool ,尤其是lhs:Self ,所以Equatable不能用作对通用的约束:

class Generic<T:Equatable> { ... }

Without more details about what you're trying to achieve and how you're trying to use StorageModel, the best I can come up with is: 在没有更多关于您要实现的目标以及如何使用StorageModel的详细信息的情况下,我能想到的最好的方法是:

protocol Matches {
    typealias T
    func matches(t:T) -> Bool

protocol StorageModel {
    typealias T
    var storage: [String:T] { get set }

extension Int : Matches {
    func matches(target:Int) -> Bool {
        return self == target

class MyClass <T:Matches> {
    var model = [String:T]()


Another possibility is to use a generic instead of a protocol: 另一种可能性是使用通用而不是协议:

class StorageModel <T:Equatable> {
    var storage: [String:T]

    init(storage:[String:T]) {
        self.storage = storage

From there you'll need to do some research, dig into the Swift manual, do some googling and see what solves your problem. 从那里开始,您需要做一些研究,深入研究Swift手册,进行谷歌搜索,看看解决问题的方法。

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