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[英]Python: How to use type function in if statements?

I'm writing a program that loads a list of data from a file and I need the program to differentiate if the data in the line is either a string or an integer. 我正在编写一个从文件加载数据列表的程序,我需要该程序区分行中的数据是字符串还是整数。 However in the code I have done the program doesn't differentiate numbers from strings. 但是,在我完成的代码中,程序无法区分数字和字符串。

An example of the list of data I have: 我拥有的数据列表示例:


My code: 我的代码:

def medalsYear():
  times = 1
  totalGold = 0
  totalSilver = 0
  totalBronze = 0
  while times <= 5:
    alpha = fob.readline() #reads file line by line#
    times = times + 1
    if type(alpha) == int:
        if alpha == 1:
            totalGold = totalGold + 1
            print("gold medal won")
        elif alpha == 2:
            totalSilver = totalSilver + 1
            print("silver medal won")
        elif alpha == 3:
            totalBronze = totalBronze + 1
            print("bronze medal won")
        print('is a string')
  print(totalGold, "Gold medals won")
  print(totalSilver, "Silver medals won")
  print(totalBronze, "Bronze medals won")

My problem is that when the program reads a line that has an integer, it doesn't determine correctly if the line contains an integer and from there run through the corresponding if statement. 我的问题是,当程序读取包含整数的行时,它无法正确确定该行是否包含整数,并从那里开始执行相应的if语句。 Currently my output looks like this. 目前,我的输出如下所示。

is a string
is a string
is a string
is a string

is a string
0 Gold medals won
0 Silver medals won
0 Bronze medals won

Data read from a file is always going to be a string. 从文件读取的数据将始终是字符串。 You'll need to try and convert those lines, not test their type: 您需要尝试转换这些行,而不是测试它们的类型:

    alpha = int(alpha)
    if alpha == 1:
        totalGold = totalGold + 1
        print("gold medal won")
    elif alpha == 2:
        totalSilver = totalSilver + 1
        print("silver medal won")
    elif alpha == 3:
        totalBronze = totalBronze + 1
        print("bronze medal won")
except ValueError:
    print('is a string')

int() will raise a ValueError when alpha cannot be interpreted as an integer number. alpha无法解释为整数时, int()将引发ValueError The exception, if raised, causes Python to jump to the except ValueError: block instead of executing the rest of the try: suite. 如果引发此异常,则会导致Python跳至except ValueError:except ValueError:块,而不是执行try:套件的其余部分。

You can make a dict where the keys are "1","2" and "3" to correspond to gold, silver, bronze and use dict.get. 您可以创建一个dict,其中键为"1","2" and "3"以对应于金,银,青铜,然后使用dict.get。

with open(infile) as f:
    times = 1
    medal_dict = {"1": 0, "2": 0, "3": 0}
    while times <= 5:
        alpha = f.readline().rstrip()  #reads file line by line#
        times += 1
        if medal_dict.get(alpha) is not None:
            medal_dict[alpha] += 1
            print("is a string")
    print(medal_dict["1"], "Gold medals won")
    print(medal_dict["2"], "Silver medals won")
    print(medal_dict["3"], "Bronze medals won")

Which outputs: 哪个输出:

(1, 'Gold medals won')
(0, 'Silver medals won')
(0, 'Bronze medals won')

If you want to print when a medal is won through the loop: 如果要在循环中赢得奖牌时打印:

with open(infile) as f:
    times = 1
    medal_dict = {"1": [0,"gold"], "2": [0,"silver"], "3": [0,"bronze"]}
    while times <= 5:
        alpha = f.readline().rstrip()  #reads file line by line#
        times += 1#
        check = medal_dict.get(alpha)
        if check is not None:
            medal_dict[alpha][0] += 1
            print("{} medal won".format(check[1]))
            print("is a string")
    print(medal_dict["1"][0], "Gold medals won")
    print(medal_dict["2"][0], "Silver medals won")
    print(medal_dict["3"][0], "Bronze medals won")

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